Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Thank you, wasnt if sure the Gr1 also recieved the 9M in the Gulf war.

Hmm… F.3 radar and Skyflashes fail to hit low-flying targets, even when they’re in a head-on. This is… incorrect?

Why did the devs not give the F.3 the Skyflash SuperTEMP 6000s?
I am mostly asking because it is a very good longer range alternative to the regular Skyflash and would probably make a lot more sense.
Then again, I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes down to British planes, I just think it’s weird because it would make the F.3 better without breaking the game.

Im sorry what.
What’s this then

I think you’ve made an error. Quick google, the The Skyflash 6000 series was a 1988 modification of the Skyflash and was nicknamed the “SuperTemp” so we already have it in game.

From 1988 a further modification (6000 series) nicknamed “SuperTEMP” included the Hoopoe rocket motor to change the missile’s flight profile from boost-and-glide (with a 3-second burn) to boost-sustain-glide (3 second boost - 4 second sustain), increasing its range from 17nm to 18.4nm at a height of 30,000ft and at a height 5,000ft the range increase was more substantial, raising from 14nm to 16nm. The maximum flight time was also raised from 40 to 50-60 seconds. Skyflash - Wikipedia.

Our next likely upgrade will be AMRAAM

Maybe. Under investigation currently I think. Its more likely a general issue with BVR missiles though as its not only the Skyflash that is adversly affected by low alt issues. If your radar fails to maintain lock though, in PD, even at low alt, might be worth sharing a replay of it.

Ah. I see. My bad then, and thanks for clearing that up.

You can change ACM modes???


I thought the same, In Sim, you get a lot less visual queues and never knew there were other modes

Yep, same way you change radar scan patterns.





  • Tornado (All) : Added Wing Flexing :
    • Wing Strain Coeff = 0.35
    • Wing Overload Coeff = 1
    • Wing Strain Limit Down = 1

another FM change

not FM, just visual from what we can tell

too sad

Is this to fix the fluttering wings then?

“I don’t know if I’m expecting much of anything to come of this, I do like bombing as is but it could be a little less painful I feel, have decided to grind Russia Air anyway because at least then I’m backing the ‘roided horse”

I’ve put this in as a big report and someone also suggested leaving it here, I’m not super bummed with the tornado but I feel like the GR.1 is a little shafted for speed.

Hello Gaijin,

I hope you’re all doing well, if I may I’d like to raise an issue with the Tornado GR.1s flight performance in the Great Britain tech tree, there seems to be two key issues I’d like to address.

Firstly the top speed seems to be quite low, I’ve had a good look and I have struggled to find any sources to suggest any max speeds close to the 1,250mph you currently have as the max speed in game. Please find linked below the sources I’ve found that suggest a max speed of between 1,420mph and 1,490mph, one is vetted by the RAF Historical Society.

The second issue I’ve noticed is that when I apply my flight performance modification upgrades that my underslung loadouts have their flight characteristic tolls increased seemingly to almost mitigate any improvements my upgrades make! I’ve attached a with and without modifications screenshots for comparison and a video/video link also illustrating this fault.

I enjoy playing Warthunder and I enjoy flying the iconic aircraft I can, I have been playing for around 5 years now and have managed to grind my way (casually mind you) to top tier Britain but I’m rather disappointed in the state of the GR.1. It’s low speed and poor flight performance make it feel as though I should drop it and go back to the Phantoms which shouldn’t be the case at all.

This issue goes beyond the aircraft not being competitive which really it isn’t when compared to the F14s, F16s, Mig29s and Mig23s but begs the question of is this vehicle balanced, at 11.3 this vehicle should have something going for it but it simply doesn’t, I can have better performance and a more enjoyable time from the Phantoms.

This is really an issue that seems to plague a lot of British high tier aircraft in the game but that’s another topic all together, can you please take a look at the tornado, specifically it’s speed, if it’s to be a brick can it please be a faster brick than previous aircraft. If you don’t want to amend its speed and performance then can you consider doing something with either armament, radar or BR because the game should be fun to play and playing the tornado is far too frequently a case of flying too slow to reach the battlefield or getting shot down on the way.

Thank you for your time.

I have a bunch more but can only link 2x

Speed is accurate, top speed clean is about M1.88 ish, which is about 2000kph.


This isn’t the place for bug reports. Those should be submitted on our dedicated bug report page;

As far as the concerns you raised, the top speed in game is correct as per the RAF manuals we have for the Tornado. The speeds you listed are for the high altitude clean aircraft, which are achievable in game.

You cannot however hit the top speed of the aircraft while carrying 12x1000lb bombs and 2xBOZ-107 pods.

To address the performance mods not changing the impact of the loadout. That is correct, the loadout has a fixed impact on the flight model, 12 tons of bombs will always reduce the flight performance by a fixed amount.

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i wonder about the Tornado HUD has no vertical line for the ccrp bombcomputer like the Harrier or other CAS planes of that time?

is it right that the F.3 has no HUD information about the Target in lock-mode Radar or TWS? AFter you lock them witht the skyflash, you see in the hud where the actually is.

@Gunjob is that correct or is it known thats not correct?

The Tornado CCRP indicator we have is mostly correct, but in-complete, should have more information to guide a pilot onto target, especially during loft

I dont know about the F3, but probably had some form of HUD symbology