Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Reference images

Jaguar Gr1a

Harrier Gr7

For both, the bomb fall line remains, no matter of attitude. Allowing for CCRP alignment when lofting (though it is vastly easier on the Jaguar Gr1a compared to the Gr7 due to design)

I assume you are referring to the Tornado F.3?

That appears to just the number of search bars being increased. No change to the horizontal search area.

I’m locking targets out to around 90km so I don’t what issue your running into

Of course it can. I don’t you what you’re doing wrong but the Tornado F.3 can lock all the way out to 150km+

To clarify terminology: it seems the Harrier and Jaguar use a track line / azimuth steering line (basically a line telling you where you need to fly) where as the Tornado uses a bomb fall line (basically a line showing you where your bombs will fall)

From a cursory glance it seems the Tornado HUD symbology may be correct in how the line is presented. However in real life the Tornado pilot could use the autopilot to keep the bomb fall line aligned with the target marker. Alternatively if the autopilot wasn’t used then there was “flight director” symbology on the HUD which told the pilot how to steer (it also told you when to start pulling up).

The symbology looks like this:


Tornado F.3 can lock all the way out to 150km+

Personally I never seem to pick anything up at more than 90 km. But that’s still far more than enough for War Thunder purposes.

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“That britain sucks.”
Cant say I agree, especially when there are things Gaijin can do to make Britain more competitive. Britain is bad in this game because Gaijin want them to be, just look at the Chally 2’s turret, the fact that the Tornado F3’s radar does not work, the fact that the British premium phantom has worse missiles, no slats, no HMD compared to the Yankee one yet sits at the same BR, while Gaijin flat out refuse to add aim9L’s to British phantoms despite the fact that the Yank ones would still be better because of aim7Fs. Gaijin WANT Britain to perform badly, it should be obvious to anyone at this point. See also, subsonic harrier gr7 with 4 missiles that can be dodged with the press of a button, sitting at 11.7. Its a complete joke.


Since being changed to the Stage 2G the radar is very good.

Indeed, are we expecting any azimuth changes?

What do you mean, it works great and is easily the best HPRF radar in the game.

I thought it was reported a while ago that the scan are was wrong (no option to scan the entire +/-54.25° area in one go)?

Ah, thank you. So the question is. Can the game support that kind of symbology?

.68 is in live server.

So gr1 now has 19km acm too? I assume no iff though

indeed, no 56.25 mode as it stands, however gj said it may be because the full mode would be basically unuseable due to the time to scan.

i dunno tho, i would happily swap the 90 scan out for 112

All ACM modes lack IFF.

Thought so. Still not entirely sure what the point of the ACM mode on the Gr1 is for. I have literally never used it

For SEAM on the sidewinders and for the automatic gun sighting