Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

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Could be a while. “Under investigation” could drag on for months and months. Maybe septmeber major update, but no guarantees.

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If AMRAAM get added will the current F3 get them?

If they make me grind it again from stock I’ll cry


I just hope if a second F3 does get added it goes above the FGR.2, unless theyre saving that spot for typhoons eventually. Having to grind two tornados in a row would be hell for anyone else

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I doubt we’ll get a different variant of the Tornado F3 exclusively with AMRAAM as the difference. Prehaps before the radar upgrade, I could see a 1985 version and a 1996 version. But now, I doubt it. That being said… No guarantees it will ever get AMRAAM, Im certainly not expecting them on AMRAAM release at least. Guessing we’ll see SHar FA.2 With AMRAAM first, and then at some point in the future we might get AMRAAM added onto the F3. I think that depends on how long the gap between the SHar FA2 and the Typhoon is. If its 6 months ish, then I can see them leaving the F3 AMRAAM-less and at a lower BR, and then having the SHar FA.2 and the Typhoon at the Higher BR with AMRAAM

That would be my guess. Typhoon after FGR2. SHar FA2 After FG1.

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do you guys have also have no crosshair in the hud, when you switch to “gun to groundtargets”?

tested in sim mode

Try turning your ballistics computer on. HUD CCIP used to work all the time. Now it only seems to work if the ballistic computer is on.

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Ok thank you.

why they changed it? it’s not great to need two buttons for that …

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Oh man this was so satisfying…



He forgot to take off his afterburner :KEKW:

An ETSM user as well i see.

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You could’ve gotten a lock sooner if you switched to pyramid ACM.


There is also the HUD acquisition mode too;


You can use the Y menu using option 7 to swap them;


Or bind this control option;


Im surprised it hit, never seen a 9L actually pull that kind of turn, especially after the CMs

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Such a good sound mod!
Unfortunately the Patreon is very expensive in my currency so I can’t always support them.

I tried to use it for some time but I kept locking the wrong targets, so I stopped using and completely forgot about it lol
I will try to use it more often

It can still slap if they leave their afterburner on


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Not always


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Quick quesiton. Could/did the Tornado Gr1 carry Aim-9M or was it exlcusively Aim-9L / Aim-9L/i?

Only Tornado to carry 9M was the F.3 in the Gulf War and even then only a few of them.