Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah, the total lack of SARHs stock was brutal in the last F3 at 11.3. I’m dreading to the point of not even trying to play it at 12.7


Gaijin - “sounds like money to me”

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Unfortunately… Yeah…

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after 18 months of missing almost 2gs turn rate and being the worst jet FM for no aparent reason


tried to explain how the tornado in a head on engagement at alt will basically always lose due to shitty sarh missiles and the inability to turn to engage/deengage unlike everything it faces and was just told skill issue and learn to notch… buddy, i am trying :(

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yeah theres a difference between “it was never built to dogfight” versus oh snap I can’t point my gun at this guy lmao

the only small W is the fact the mig 23s arent UFOs anymore, they might be free food at 11.3 esspecially when premium players expect they can W key and win agasint everything. they will just fall out of the sky first week of the patch

i may finally be able to rate fight them in my tornado gr 1, always funny watching people fall out the sky as you just do loops above them as you literally cant lose any speed bellow 600kph in a full turn according to gaijin.


yeah the m23 literally falls out of the sky after 2 turns now

side note the Shar can pull 15gs lol its a really funny plane

Thanks for the suggestion.

We dont plan to introduce the whole skin as its rather hard to see the “Seek & Destroy” on it. But we may add a decal to honour it :)


there is no way that shar flight model is final lol, sounds like thier using the gr 7 fm as a base for some reason. it should be the same as the sea harriers already in game right? or should i actually look forward to how this thing flies.

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Should have a better engine than the FRS1 (same as the Gr7) which should net some improvements like:

  • More thrust (so better acceleration and top speed)
  • Better engine temp management

But the rest of the FM should be the same. Unless they are buffing the Sea Harrier FM, though Im not aware of any issues with it.

that extra thrust is sorely missed on the ones in game, they fall out of the sky in half a turn. i couldnt keep playing them as all i would face were f5s which i couldnt even attempt to make over shoot and would simply pull up causing me to become a lump of iron unable to turn. hopefully with the extra thrust itll become something usable at the br its going to be sat at.

Hi Smin, is there any news regarding improvements to the F.3s flight model?


I have a feeling I know what the answer is going to be lol


The F.3 late should start with Aim9M and get ASRAAM as an upgrade.

I’ve made a thread for improving the stock grind for the F3 AOP. Probably wont change anything, but worth a try


Could do with something like this for the SHar FA.2.

Start with 2Ms, unlocking 4 before AMRAAM.

2Ls on anything at 12.3 and above is gonna be a nightmare.

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Yeah, im gunna do a dev forum thread for the FA2 as well I think (just done one for the F3 late)

It has a rather wierd layout and stock grind.

Though I think they need to overhaul all nations. Su-27 gets R-73s stock and everyone else gets Aim-9Ls

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ASRAAM’s have already been denied by Smin.