Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah. Damn, even really nerfed ASRAAM would have been fun to have. Give us a slight edge without being OP.

But I guess thats what the “late” is for instead of “AOP/FSP” as @galaxygms suggested above. Maybe we’ll get future upgrades like Aim-120C5s for the F3 “late”

I think what we really should be asking for is Tornado F.3 late to be given 120C5 and moved up to 13.0
We’ve already seen that aircraft can be given certain missiles such as the PL-12 on the J-8F. 120 C5 is in the files and I think we could argue the tornado would be a get aircraft for it to first appear on. Would that be a more likely possibility @Smin1080p?


Tornado GR1 seems to be receiving a nerf with this coming update too since thermals are being removed from the PGMs on it.

Now you will only be able to carry three PGMs since you’ll need the targeting pod for thermals.

Understandably so


Dont kow if anyone has said or mentioned this yet but the tornado F3 Late has much bigger drop tanks, 495 Gallon ones.

(Also first forum post after lurking for years)


In this case I believe the weapons set(spades) is competitive enough to work as an effective missile bus unlike when the f.3 dropped last year. The main issue is still the gimped FM.

It’s not like we’re asking for a UFO anyway it’s literally just 1-2 gs man. I get spaghetti code limits, but instead of re working the games core code why can’t the F.3 just have the slats as auto? Hell the su-17 and mig 23 have auto sweep which they never had irl.

Serious copium this patch

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That was technically a bug. And I always just run 3x PGM-2000s and Tpod anyway. I find it a lot easier. Though its a shame Tornado IDSs arent getting ANY TLC this update, not even a BR drop

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Good spot. Hmm… I hope the Gr1 and F3 get those too. Would be handy.

And welcome

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4x PGM was always better since the thermal resolution was the same. Not going to be quite the same only having three.

Hmm… its a good idea. Id not say no to that. Except the stock grind is going to be even worse :D

It’s worth noting with the FM that the instantaneous turn is under-performing, but the sustained turn is overperforming. So fixing it won’ be a straight buff, but obviously it should still be done.


I didnt know that bug even existed. I usually ran the 2Ks because splash damage was fairly good

Care to elaborate? We now have the mirage with 6 MICA-EM, a missile that has similar range and TVC. Giving a couple of ASRAAM nerfed with similar ECM resistance to 9M would not be game breaking.

As do I, especially in sim being able to be up in the air for double the time is incredible especially since the Tornados eat fuel like beasts.

And thank you for the welcoming, I’ve read all of the threads that relate to British vehicles lol, even the nearly 10K long Challenger 2 Thread

Oh god yeah in SIm it would be incredible

That is impressive. Its my thread and i’ve not done that :D

Yea but it will make the tornadoes more enjoyable or ergonomic cuz you can point your nose easily and not crash 24/7

Again it’s not something that should have taken a year and a half

I guess if you artificially Nerf ASRAAM’s seeker it would be slightly more balanced, but at that point is it really an ASRAAM, or just some missile Gaijin made up?

Seeker aside the kinematics of ASRAAM are crazy. MICA may have more range, but ASRAAM is significantly faster. The design philosophy of ASRAAM is that you should be able to fire it at a the enemy and have it hit them before they can close to within firing range of their missile.


cough Martel cough. There is president, and it would have been nice to have something a little more than just AMRAAM to grind out the F3 again. If all you are nerfing is ECCM its much of a muchness.

Being the best at one thing (time to target at med ranges) would not make it OP, especially on an F3.

Can the tornado f3 late be equip with a HMD ,if not ,its fighting ability would be torrible at it br ,because of the Very poor machine performance.

Not HMD but it can get PHC (Pilot hand control).

think HMS but limited to the Aim-9 seeker FoV

(I think all Tornados, even the IDSs can get that)