Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

however it is almost unachievable due to the range of it
the newest dev blog described the reason as

you see, the capable of ignore smoke is just one side of it
I would say provide something that have the same ability to other nations would be a fair movement

Would it be possible that on the dev server the devs could trial out another f&f mode like the spikes f&f mode as a placeholder until we get to the point were brimstones actual f&f mode could be fully added ??

Okay, so GR4 full rack of Brimstones, you’ve got a 20km kill box in front of you. You don’t need to see the targets to engage, you don’t need to leave tree top level to even be seen. You ripple off 9 at the spawn area, each missile selects its own target and everything is destroyed. That is what Brimstone does with its ARH seeker.

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I am not saying this action is recommended, in fact, I think this is dumb, but this is want KH38 could do rn, if the number increase from 4 to 9 makes such different, why not set a limit to how much it can carry?

The service load max was 12 without a T-pod, but we need the t-pod so 9.

It cannot


  1. it needs line of sight to the target for each target
  2. manually queued for each target
  3. clear day as clouds block the seeker
  4. hope no one deploys smoke during flight

Brimstone ARH

  1. does not need line of sight
  2. doesn’t need to manually queue
  3. is all weather
  4. doesn’t care about smoke

My point isn’t that KH-38 isn’t good, it is very good. Its that Brimstone in its final form is comically overpowered, its comically overpowered in real life too.

oh, I throught it would need a line of sight, eventually it does not

No if you imagine it as a floating death area out in front of the Tornado and anything in that square will be destroyed if you launch.

it would make sense
yet still, better sam still required, wish the Patriot in the trailer is real

But it wont be in game. The Kh-36 is already an incredible weapon system. I have real reservations of trying to manually guide in a hellfire sized missile without being able to fire and break off. I’m sure there will be cases when the Brimstone will be great. But most of the time it will likely be less effective than the Kh-36 and AGM-65

you said the Brimstones get SAL guidance.
So how is SAL different to normal laser locking, does it mean I can lock multiple targets at once or nah?

No its just laser guidance, you as with Hellfire, space out your launches by 5-6 seconds at targets grouped within a couple hundred meters, then as each impacts you have 5 seconds to correct to the other target.

they could solve that by just having mode 1 and mode 2 in-game tbh

I agree that giving the Brimstone its real life abilities is a bit overpowered for a GRB game. However, is it possible to make it fire and forget like the AGM-65s, where you have to manually lock and fire on different targets, as a different option to laser guidance? If balance is an issue, increase the SP required. F-16Cs can carry 6 AGM-65s, surely the GR4 is allowed to carry just 3 more fire and forget weapons.

Also, why not give the Brimstones its full potential, but make it available for Air SIM players only.


gajins already overwhelmed with giving hellfires pars3 spikes the option to choose between direct fire and loft soo ehhh

Is the GR4 getting that radar?

u getting tama, new targeting pod, flir and even the crippled brimstone, what more do you want?

This will be 7th Tornado IDS in game and not one has a properly modeled radar, a basic search radar would be quite a boost in sim for situational awarness (and maybe even offensive AIm-9 use if it has IFF)

Its not uncommon for them to fix things like this when adding a new aircraft with them.

But I dont think asking for the base airframe to be modeled correctly is actually asking for too much. Especially as everything else except the new weapons is fairly C&P

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It works for helis but im skeptical how well thisll work in game as on a jet your also moving forwards at quite a pace. Ill wait for the dev but i really dont see why we are limited to 9 when you consider all the facts.

  1. it has a similar warhead to a hellfire and therefore not a one shot machine (unlike the kh38s and somewhat the mavericks)

  2. With it being laser youll have to stay in the missile envelope of enemy spaa while you guide it in unlike anyone else with fnf tv/ir missiles.

  3. Due to the tornado requiring some speed to be manoeuvrable enough to dodge sams you may be over the ao by the time your brimstones hit.

  4. The su 34 and f15e will have far superior ordinance in terms of both fire power and amount while bieng the same br in ground (top tier ground is 12.0 and thatll be where they all sit)

I am looking forward to the gr.4, dont get me wrong. But i would have preferred getting storm shadow as it would have been easier to balance. Its gps so all you would have to do is move out the way and it would show up on any radar due to its size. Would also be alot more usefull in sb as laser guided ordinance requires constant attention all while your flying the jet as gaijin still havent sorted out the “autopilot” they have in game (level flight being pointed slightly down causing you to just fall out the sky).

Having a ground radar is one of the big things of the tornado, would make finding targets in sim a while lot easier as it would lock the targeting pod on it in game.