Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Ahh yes that does look like a dog house.

it’s fine i stole that from a google search

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Dev server is currently closed, you might have to wait for the update to hit production.

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Yeah I noticed the dev was closed just now.
Well I’ll just do some performance testing on live and record it. Ill just run the same tests once the update is live.

Thanks again!

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Do you know if Phimat is planned for more aircraft than the Jaguar this update?

Many thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the community. o7

Ooh, I’ll have to see if it fixes it or not

I hope so but I don’t know yet.

Thanks :) happy to help.

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I’d be curious as to what spaghetti has caused this to be directly limited. Might be time to refactor the thing if they’re going to be running into strife like this.

Whilst it’s a bit of a shame. Especially the top speed. At least we came out of it almost overperforming and not notably underperforming

I was thinking that myself. How long till they have to scrap the code because issues like this are common. Though there is a certain degree of historical accuracy because part of the reason why sweep wings were ditched was because they were.overly complicated and expensive to maintain

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Doesn’t really need to be scrapped. Just take 3 months to get the worst of the issues sorted and create more reliable documentation for the devs to actually track down the issues directly causing these difficulties. I’d be entirely content to miss an update or two if it meant bringing the foundation up to par.

But if they keep going, the technical debt will be something they will never dig themselves out from under if this is any indicator.

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posts didnt load.

The new FM is good in most aspects but what completely ruins it for me is the absolutely horrible manouvering energy retention.
It used to do circles near sea level at 700kph, now it drops down to 450 which is worse than some deltawings.

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you can’t really tbh.
It loses speed way too quick with the wings forward now so overall the turn is noticeably worse.
That’s just my opinion though, couldn’t test that much yet.

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how do they ‘‘trying to fix things’’ but break them even more…
its funny and sad at the same time smh

Yeah, after testing the new flight model it didn’t feel better at all… I prefer how it was.

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Since you are overall slower now and lose speed insanely fast if you even dare to go slow and fold the wings out it’s kinda worse overall now.


More instantaneous turn = greater loss of speed when turning. I don’t know what you expected?


Tbh i’d rather be able to turn instead of being in a flying “if im within 15km of a SAHR/ARH launch im probably dead” bus


Also @Gunjob Anyword on Hindens coming for the base F.3?

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