Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Can the tornado f3 late be equip with a HMD ,if not ,its fighting ability would be torrible at it br ,because of the Very poor machine performance.

Not HMD but it can get PHC (Pilot hand control).

think HMS but limited to the Aim-9 seeker FoV

(I think all Tornados, even the IDSs can get that)

Yes, people will transition from rate fighting to radius/scissor fighting for the F.3, not a huge issue just a change in playstyle.

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Sounds like they are going to milk the ever loving crap out of the tornado to drag their feet on the Typhoon.


Whether the Ladder in the game for f3 later is correct in the game?

Well… Gunna try a full Tornado overhaul thread in the dev forum. Hopefully we can get a few buffs for the IDS out of this update:


the pgms had thermals this entire time… guess im lucky as this wont be affecting me lmao. i definitely checked to see if they had thermals when they were added so is this a new addition?

It had them as a bug, as GR.1 had gen 1 is sight value, that overrides all sights in a plane, PGMs included. Now pgm lack thermals, but i mad a report for IR PGMs, so maybe in the future they will be back.

We have no plans to introduce C-5 AMRAAM for any aircraft this update. A/B will be the launch AMRAAMs.


anything for these ?

  • 1200 chaff on boz pods / Bol for gr1
  • fm improvements for all tornado
  • HUD

Can you tell me on which version is the F.3 Late based on; CSP, AOP or FSP?

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(inb4 someone says csp)

Listen, i also hate the CSP, but i have to give all the options

I’m still waiting for a “Tornado F3 late shouldn’t have datalink because the CSP didn’t” bug report to appear

that would be sad

From dev server, Tornado F3 late armed 4th gen IR AAM. but no AIM-9M on Tornado F.3 ?

Tornado F.3 late

Tornado F.3

Aim-9M on the 11.3 F3 would probably result in a BR increase. We are scraping a fine line just with Aim-9Ls. FGR2/FG1 get Aim-9Ls denied because they would move to 11.7 and the F3 already has them, better radar and better SARH at the same BR. aim-9M would 100% mean 11.7 maybe even 12.0.

They simply aren’t needed for it

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I personally think this is fair. the F.3 late will have the exact same effectiveness of any other toptier just won’t be able to fight within visual range. the 9Ms are very nice, overall the kit is now good enough to warrent having sub par performance. but it still shouldnt be as of a brick as it is.

the only real problem i have with the tornado is the inability to retain energy above mach. by all means it literally cannot go bellow 600kph without the use of an air brake if all your doing is turning, however at speeds above mach 1.1 even rolling will cause you to dip bellow mach 1.1. this may not seem all that big of a deal, but when your trying to run from a mig 21 of all things and hes able to catch up to you due to better high speed enery retention then i see that as a problem.

if this is how the tornado is irl then fair enough but at the moment it feels as if its barely hanging on at high speed, even at low fuel loads as most times im bellow 20 minutes as its near the end and i still have no way of out running them.


I’m pretty sure this is a characteristic of all swing wing aircraft unfortunetly,

difference with the tornado is that it dosent turn unlike literally all the others

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