Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Seeing Aim-9Ms on the Tornado just feels wrong… ASRAAMs would obviously be broken for now but it still feels extremely off xD

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I’m not surpriced if gajin add AIM-9M on Tornado F.3 in dev server of Major Update “Seek & Destroy” and increase BR to 11.7 (Air RB)

I hope F-4M Phantom FGR.2 receive AIM-9L that’s enough and move to 11.7 BR (Air AB, Air RB & Air SB) in rank 8 before JAS39 Gripen C (SAAF). and in the future gaijin give AIM-9L on F-4J (UK) Phantom F3 and mvoe to rank 8 (11.7 BR) before MiG-21 Bison (IAF)

Uh, It’s supposed to be.

Honestly it could get 9Ls and stay at the same BR, it has sub-par SARH missiles where it is now and with 9Ls being quite easily flared, as well as the plane as a whole being quite underwhelming (especially compared to the Tornado F.3)

But yeah I’d prefer the existing tornado to stay as it is at its current BR while all the more advanced missiles go to the late variant

That’s because the wings are fully swept back in auto mode above mach 1.

If you use manual wing sweep at around 40% to 60% you will maintain speeds much better at high speeds, but become more prone to wing rips.

40-60%? you sure. i normally kept it at 80% as it allowed for passable instantaneous turn at high speed. didnt know i could keep them that far out at those speeds. ill be sure to try it out.

any tips you would recommend for just all round play other than side climbing lol, i do that but then as soon as i get a single ping on my rwr i already have a missile on my ass. the enemy know that its better to go for the lonely enemy off to the side than going into the furball.

Yeah I use auto because at anything below 70% sweep u have literally zero AOA at high speed.

You want to hug the deck at all times and make constant passes in and out of the fur ball singling out slow or preoccupied targets. The one thing you want to remember is always turn out. Avoid one circle with anyone at all costs, you’re aim is to energy trap ppl and use the tall acm to get really nasty off boresight 9L shots

I think the phantoms just staying as they are but moving down in br is the way forward. Apparently their stats show otherwise tho

dog fighting aint my problem tbh, its the fact that the kill will always be taken from you before you get guns on or the entire enemy team turns on you as your an easy target and your team has done the same for the enemy your dog fighting. my problem is always having an enemy chasing me away from the furball as they all know that they can quite easily catch me (this is all in uptiers as down tiers are more of a stomp).

maybe with the wing sweep ill actually be able to defensively fly for once as normally im just sat their unable to turn, kinda reminds me of a dream when you try and run but you just cant move or jump out the way lol.

they will never be moved down and i actually agree with that, 11.0 is too low for a phantom wiht a pd radar as shown in sim when at 10.7 i can face a lightning. i think the british phantoms would be fine at 11.7 as the ej kai does quite well at 11.7 with the only thing it would have over the british phantoms would be the 7fs (which is a huge advantage but the dog fight skyflashes are still pretty good) and the radar. 9ls along with mavericks or whatever else they could get would make them actually unique and fun to play.

Yeah the speed is annoying, the F.3 basically has asthma after it pushes through Mach.

I personally enjoy playing it really aggressively and not running away as much. Ppl will want u dead and try turn after you which bleeds speed, instead of waiting for them to catch me I capitalise on that and use the tornados bullshit retention to energy trap ppl. It would be nice if the BOL pods did something though…u used to be able to spam them and be invisible to missiles especially at a br where irccm is almost nonexistent

yeah, the BOL nerfs are still one of the most bullshit changes gaijin have put in. the gripen was far too good (i was actually having fun with it at top tier lmao). but to simply nerf a falre system thats on multiple different jets is stupid and moronic. could have done it for the gripen only and i would have been fine with it. instead were stuck with flares that dont work half the time and basically just guide enemy missiles directly to your jet.

Thanks for the response

Im still in awe what they choose to make the wors flare in the game

And they did it for THIS


A-200A, IDS-Tornado, IDS-Tornado (Marineflieger), IDS-Tornado (WTD 61), Tornado G.R. Mk. 1:
Loadout changed: BOL pods now have 231 kg mass
Custom loadout changes: Slot 9 changed: Option changed: 1x Drop tank (stock) → 1x Drop tank (stock), must be equipped together with 1x Drop tank on slot 3

From the datamine, with the pods now have weight, can we have 1200 chaff now? Lol

Its weird, they used BOL instead of BOZ, i guess dataminer error

Hmmm… BOZ pod weight… Hmmm… The hopium is building

Yep that is wierd on the second read (unless they are getting BOL because BOZ pods still too buggy to be added)

BOL got weight of 25 in the datamine

Then wont be that way too heavy

1200 chaff in Air RB literally makes Tornado GR.1 invincible in higher altitude lmaooo, I really want to see how it goes in Air RB soon.

from the datamine, it’s seemed how Gaijin to compensate this BOL nerf is to reduce the volumetric afterburner, recently F-14B got a reduced volumetric afterburner.

No sign of Tornado Volumetric Afterburner getting reduced though.