Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah… Kinda hoping that the Saudi tornado ends up on the US tree now


Don’t misrepresent Smin’s comments, there are still open reports for all the things you described. Things happen when they happen. Calm yourself.


That was not my interpretation. My interpretation is that they believe those reports would change nothing and therefore not worth implementing.

At this point, I’m not expecting them to ever be fixed

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Yeah have faith my guy, the mosquito only took 8 years to get an FM update but it came round eventually lmao.


This is not what was said at all. Would appreciate it if you do not misrepresent or twist what was said.

We have not said any reports are “not worth implementing”.


Except it isn’t. We have open bug reports waiting for the FM which have been say waiting for 9 months to be fixed

And likely a lot more to be done once the FM is finished.

I also do not understand this “game limitation” stance as the Mig-23MLD has functional wing slats. So what is so different about the tornado?

But it shouldn’t matter If it was no difference or a big difference. It’s been 15 months since the Tornado was added and it’s barely been looked at. We are only now getting some very basic cockpit symbology a full year after the F3 was added and it’s barely a drop in the ocean on that front.

And then to add insult to injury, Gaijin recently nerfed the F3 dramatically with those fake BOL nerfs which basically leaves the F3 defenceless to IR missiles.

If it was a US or Soviet aircraft, it would have been fixed a year ago. The Tornado was added at least 1 year too late and now we are sat… Still waiting… For even tiny problems to be fixed or finished over a year later. Not too mention the GAINT massive problems to even be acknowledged by the Devs like the fact there is no Radar currently and the FM is a placeholder.


I know the dev’s might not see it is as worth it but it would definitely be worth it to us.

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As we have already said, the developers have confirmed the flight model is tuned as close as it can be within the current limitations of FM creation in game. Further code work is required to configure the aircraft as per this report, that is currently not possible inside the framework we have.

Until that code can / has been reworked, the Devs have said no further improvements can take place.

The Tornado series has a different slat complexity with regards to it’s FM than the MLD. So they are not directly comparable other than the basic fact they are swing wings with slats.

Im sorry but this just isnt the case, 95% of the envelope is conventional with either full flap or no flap. This can be correctly modelled and is what we ask for. The missing 45 degree slats will lead to a very slight drop in performance, which can be eventually corrected with a coding revision. Until then accurate performance can be coded for:
25 degree no flap
25 degree flap
45 degree
58 degree
67 degree


Why though? Just buff the placeholder code if the required code is going to take another 15 months. As fireball as pointed out, it is ONLY not possible to buff the FM in 1 specific configuration.

So they need to finish it then. 3-6 months. Fine it takes time. but seriously 15 months + whatever dev time was before that. Is just getting rediculous now. How long until they do finish it? Another year? 2 years?

If its going to take that long, then they need to address the placeholder code as a stopgap. if its not going to take that long, state that it is Actively being worked on and is coming in the next 3-6 months and not just “Soon™” which could mean at some point in the next ten years.

A stopgap fix was already deployed to the Tornado. Coding a further stopgap is illogical and counterproductive.

The matter has been forwarded and already reviewed by the developers and has been confirmed to be a code limitation within how FMs are represented in game.

As / when it’s possible to overcome the limitation, the FM will be tuned.

This is not true at all, a final FM can be coded for all of the sweeps i have mentioned, once the slats are coded, they only need to code the affects of slat for 1 Singular sweep. I heavily emphises that for 5/6 sweeps a FINAL FM can be coded as things stand.

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Once again, I understand this is your personal interpretation, however the report has been reviewed and answered by the developers.

It’s been made clear the FM cannot be accurately tuned further.

I can only relay the facts from the developers.


i know, its just a shame this is the decision made by the dev

If this “limitation” affected the 23MLD, then it would have probably been addressed before the MLD was even added. Or they would lean on the side of overbuffing the fm instead of under modelling it. That’s the difference.

Personally, my trust in the developers is at an all time low, and that’s saying a lot. Something tells me I’m not alone in my thinking.

That is the core of the problem. Its not necessarily the issue itself. Whilst it certainly will buff the Tornado. Its the attitude towards the problem which has me most concerned.

The: “We know this is a problem, but we dont want to fix it” is just a really bad prescedent. What next? They already confirmed that the Tornado Gr1 has 101 engines for “balancing reasons”. It seems more and more they are just make random arbitary decisions with no basis in reality


I was able to briefly, I had left the page open on my PC and whilst I saw it was censored on my phone. It wasnt censored on my PC until I refreshed the page.


Its funny how ppl go to great lengths to leak classified documents to get a vehicle buffed, yet a simple google search will bring heaps of photos and videos with Tornado having indipenant slats. How they weren’t here from the start is a little funny tbh.

No code yet that would give slats separate keybind. We have automatic slats but no way they can be given.

The basic gist was, if the 23MLD had a similar limitation/issue, it probably wouldn’t be left in the same situation that the Tornado faces. Also, even when the devs say ‘this is the reason’ for something, recent communication leaves me a bit sceptical.