Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Unfortunately this is the most likely issue. The Tornado Gr1 could be upgraded to the Tornado Gr1B, given the exact same identical radar as the MFG and then it just needs the Sea Eagles (a few other aircraft can use them as well).

The reason its probably not be done, is outside of SB, there is just no value in having ASMs. They could easily make value for them in other air modes, but they seem reluctant to add any kind of naval to ARB. Even carriers for carrier spawns for some reason.

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Can weapons be fitted to those BOZ pod pylons?


Think I saw one air show picture of an Italian IDS with a BL755 on an outboard but I’m not sure how credible that is.

For a technical stand point the outboard pylons are very very sensitive to load, not a single doc I’ve got shows anything but countermeasures and ECM pods outboard.


So I’ve seen alot of conversation on the whole CSP and FSP upgrades for the F3. What actuall differences can we see in game with those upgrades, with the radar and what not.

so if we get CSP we can fire first ASRAAM and AMRAAM B with no datalink

If we get FSP we have DL, CMRAAM C5, ASRAAM FOC2, and have the best version of Foxhunter possible


Thing is I don’t have any reference to what improvements those brought. I know Stage-2H was literally just the integration of the filter for the MIG-29’s radar interference that was an add on for the Stage-2G.

I’ve seen one reference to Stage-3 but it suspect most if not all the improvements past the Stage-2G arent performance improvements and are just compatibility with the new weapons etc.

I just found something bout it. Im looking into it to see what it is about. If it is something good i will drop it here

But here is some funny thing, all i know it is from
“Salamander Books of the 1980s”

We old F-4 mafia were looking forward to the new technology that the “Foxhunter” was reportedly offering. It had a magic method of giving range in Pulse Doppler called Frequency Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave (FMICW). It soon became known by a slightly different nomenclature, however - FMICW*! Rumours had reached all of us about the state of the F2 radar, more specifically, the lack of one. In fact, stories in the aviation press had started to label the radar in the F2 as the “Blue Circle” (after Blue Circle Cement), due to the fact, that in order to maintain the aircraft’s centre of gravity, it was thought that all the F2s were required to carry “ballast” where the radar should have been.

Whilst this was partially correct, most of the F2s were fitted with a radar, the" Y" List AI-24. This was a pre-production radar, which was fitted to the
aircraft to at least give the new crews an insight of what to expect! What we saw did not impress us very much. I would go as far as to say we were all shocked - if this was what we were going to get, then things needed to improve, a great deal. GEC Marconi made the AI-24; their previous adventure into Al radars had last been the Lightning AI-23 pulse radar!

There were other issues with the aircraft of course, but I will not dwell on those here. Suffice to say, action was instigated in order to attempt to rectify the situation. We were already due to get the first scheduled in-squadron version of the radar, the “W” List (I never did get an answer to why the “W” List came after the “Y” List). This duly came, and went, to be replaced by the “Z” List radar. This was to be the final version, which met all the requirements of the initial specification, supposedly! When it became clear that this was not the case, the Central Trials and Tactics Organisation, the predecessor to the Air Warfare Centre, instigated a trial, the purpose of which was to ascertain the deficiencies of the AI- 24, and associated systems. “Trial Bunbury” was conducted at RAF Coningsby. It involved a large number of sorties, consisting of relatively benign 1 v 1 intercepts, to Air Combat Manoeuvring sorties and large Composite Air Operations packages.

The results of this trial led directly to a “new” contract being signed with British Aerospace (BAE Systems as it is now known). This was known as the 395 FD Contract, meaning it was for £395 million and was the “Final Development”. This would seek to improve the radar’s capabilities in stages - first would come the Stage 1 variant, then the Stage 2, with improvements subsequently added to each, which were to meet the stated requirements. Nothing ever goes according to plan, and indeed this can be said of anything to do with the “Foxhunter”. Over the following ten years other contracts were written, or hands shaken, leading to the Stage 2G*, Stage 2H and finally the Stage 3. The “G” stood for the incorporation of the modifications added during Operation GRANBY - the first Gulf War.

During this period, the F2 was reaching the end of its useful life. As the F3 started to trickle into service, the F2s were delivered to St Athan for storage, neverto be seen again - at least not totally intact. On one occasion, upon giving the F700 to the engineers at St Athan, we were told that the said F2 had 300 hours on it, but had consumed 9.9 Fl (Fl is Fatigue Index, w ith an aircraft usually having a total lifespan of 100 Fl). We pretended to be shocked, but really had to laugh when he informed us that a GR1 had just been delivered for upgrade - it had 1000 hours on the clock, and had used 4.5 Fl. Need I say any more?!

Anyway, I digress. Now operating the mighty F3, there was nothing stopping us - oh, hold on, the radar! To say that the OC o f the F3 Operational Evaluation Unit (OEU) at the time was a genius would be an understatement. The debt the RAF and F3 community owes to him is immense.

Under his leadership, the OEU was able to start a programme of trials, that were, eventually, able to guide industry and the MOD Procurement Executive, (which was the predecessor to the Defence Procurement Agency, and then the Defence Equipment and Support Organisation) into making the appropriate decisions and modifications required. An excellent working relationship was established with GEC Marconi and British Aerospace, with a permanent detachment of personnel from these companies established at the OEU.

Over a number of years, personnel came and went. In fact, Ian Ansell, aka “Ferret”, came and went a number of times. Ferret worked for GEC at the time and is a legend within the F3 radar community, and rightly so. Along with the then Gp Capt Development, he was responsible for kick-starting the “Foxhunter” recovery. On my arrival at the OEU I was briefed by the OC that “if I saw Ferret plugged into the side of an F3 with his Psion computer, I was to give him a kick in the butt, as he was probably changing the functionality of the Radar Data Processor, or something else nefarious”. Over the years, the OEU had many dedicated aircrew, all worked extremely hard to fix a number of “issues”, and help to make a “silk purse out of a sow’s ear”.

There is no doubt that the groundcrew, specifically the avionics specialists, the “fairies”, played a significant part in the “Foxhunter” story. Their dedication in fixing the vagaries of the radar were appreciated by all those aircrew that came back to base declaring "ZululO "(the serviceability brevity code for “radar unserviceable”). Although, I suspect, that some aircrews’debriefs were viewed w ith suspicion, this loyal ban’d of fairies would nod sagely, and endeavour to push “**** uphill”, in order to give the next wave a serviceable beast!

story ends, some 26 years after the RAF took delivery o f the first “Foxhunter” radar. It has seen several iterations, culminating in the Stage 3 variant. There have been frustrations along the way. Ultimately, however, those that have had the privilege to operate the “Foxhunter”, know that, if handled in the right manner, it gave tremendous service. Today’s radars, w ith all the new modern Micro Mechanical Electro Systems and other technologies available, should be streets ahead of the"Foxhunter", however, when it worked, it could give many of these systems a run for their money.

At the end of its life, when operated efficiently, the “Foxhunter” was capable of holding its own amongst other fighters, operating modern Active Electronically Scanned Array/Phased-Array radars, whilst supporting active air-to-air missiles, in a high threat environment - as its last visit to Exercise Red Flag ably demonstrated. Will it be remembered as a “classic”? I doubt it, but it will certainly be remembered.

Sqn Ldr Colin “Wiki” Wills
Source: Justin Reuter Tornado F3 - 25 Years of Air Defence

Whatever that is


I don’t think they allow interviews as evidence, unfortunately.

And that thing, it is from 1985 so if it had any claassifcation it should be good by now

(protective spoiler)


gecjnlofresearch-3-2p114-123.pdf - Google Drive

Welp, i did not added that here to prove anything. I just found it so i decided to drop it here, maybe it will help somebody

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Full list:

  • B initial “complete” version, flew in 1983.
  • W First production version, 70 built. Fitted to Batch 4 Blocks 8 + 9, Batch 5 Block 10. 44 “W” later upgraded to “Z” standard from 1988.
  • Z 80 built. Fitted to Batch 5 Block 11, Batch 6 Block 12. Supposed to be the ‘final’ version meeting requirements. Broadly met initial requirements, but not the revised requirements.
  • Stage 1 76 built from September 1988. Fitted from Batch 6 Block 13 to 15. Improved radar functions related to the aircraft’s new F-18 style HOTAS (Hands On Throttle and Stick) controls, improved cooling (for Saudi ADV) and refined TWS and ECCM algorithms. HUD Search mode, activated by a HOTAS switch, scans the 20 deg field of view of the HUD and automatically locks on to any detected target. 124 “Z” radars were upgraded to Stage 1 software.
  • Stage 1+ was rushed through in 1991 for the Gulf War. Radar designation is AA, with revised software.
  • Stage 2 was intended to be the definitive Foxhunter, fully meeting the revised requirements of the RAF.
  • Stage 2G was introduced from 1996; includes NCTR (Non-Cooperative Target Recognition) technology. Radar designation is AB.
  • Stage 2G* upgraded the radar processors and software.
  • Stage 2H upgraded the radar processor and optimised software.
  • CSP (Capability Sustainment Programme) was signed 5 March 1996, providing for upgrades to 100 Tornado F3s to allow use of AIM-120 AMRAAM and ASRAAM missiles. Radar upgrades would allow multi-target engagement capability, and attempt to unify the fleet on a common radar standard. Other targets included reducing susceptibility to ECM and improved serviceability. CSP was implemented in two stages in order to deliver some operational advantages as soon as possible. First delivery was made in 1998, and both phases were scheduled to be completed by 2002. It did not include a mid-course update facility for the AIM-120 AMRAAM, due to technical difficulties.
  • AOP (AMRAAM Optimisation Programme) was signed on 8 June 2001, for the provision of a mid-course guidance capability for AMRAAM on Tornado F3 aircraft, initial IOC was end 2002, and the upgrade program was concluded by late 2004.
  • FSP (F3 Sustainment Programme) Signed in December 2004, FSP sets out to address a number of issues identified at the end of the AOP (AMRAAM Optimisation Programme). It includes integration of AIM-120C-5 and ASRAAM FOC2 and enhancement of the weapons systems capability, particularly the displays, through a number of radar computer and main computer software changes. In December 2005, a Tornado F3 fired two AIM-120C-5s at subsonic targets.

That will be what i found. Some random site, so not a source

Mine is from this

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So that thing i found is from there

So get ready for a Tornado F3 at 12.7 with Chirped Aim-9M, Aim-120Bs, No DL, no radar improvements and no ECM


Unfortunately while it’s a nice reference as a starting off point to look for better information it in of itself isn’t anything we can work with.

Not that it’s radar isnt already good
It would have to use the TRD ECM, which was used on the EF.3