Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

It’s an F3, if you are trying to turn, you are playing it wrong :P

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To add some context to this:


Really depends on how effective the jamming is, if its enough to to do some spamraaming and run away before they can get close enough to overcome the jamming it might be good. But highly situational.

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But 2Gs bro
Even an airliner does better than that

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I’d also guess impact on speed is a bigger factor than Gs.

But then we can get the poseidon as our top tier fighter

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I’m hoping for the Nimord Mk 4


Nimrod with 8 ASRAAM when?


Nimrod my beloved

In all Honesty the Nimrod would be great at 6.0-8.0

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Apparently the german targeting pod was busted and displayed the wrong thermal generation of 1, seems like it will be fixed soonish, however long that can need in gajin time The German LITENING II targeting pod - #2 by _David_Bowie
Community Bug Reporting System

Is your TIALD targeting pod working right and has the right generation?

In game Tiald is gen 1,i will have to check

personaly i am definitly looking forward to the thermal generation upgrade to gen 3, even if i only unlocked the targeting pod and gbu`s literaly yesterday. Honestly a suprise it needed that long for someone to notice
Lets hope you guys get an upgrade as well, dont know much about targeting pods

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Yep it is still gen 1

noh i meaned it in the way of is it gen 1 in reality as well?, maybe they got the generation completly wrong , for german tornado it isnt fixed yet either, it only got noticed and reported

Im looking into that, i just got it to confirm to myself. But sadly no luck yet

I cant find anything in the net. Anyone has anything?

Though if Gen 3 optics are appearing as low as 11.3. Then it does beg the question why SNIPER hasnt been added yet. That’s gen 3 right? I dont think the Gr1 ever had SNIPER, but Gr7 did as far as I know

Yes, Gr7 equipped it. Why it is not? I think due to zoom. Or just no.
Well, isnt sniper 3+ (1920/1080)? Apaches got 3+ and Arrowhead Thermal sensor is Sniper standard.

There is a report in to change TIALD to 2nd gen.


TIALD pods used the UK TICM 2 (Thermal Imaging Common Module), which uses the SPRITE detector. Although SPRITE detector was 1st generation, but was rated as 1.5 generation. Because it provided images of similar quality to 2nd generation.

However, if the developer decides to use vehicles using the UK TICM 2 module as the 1st generation, the 2nd generation thermal of the Challenger 2 will be changed to the 1st generation.