Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Apparently PAF gave it the name H-2 and H-4 as a short form of Havoc since the original name Hanto is japanese for hunt

PAF also has the MAR-1 anti radiation missile up to 100km range

Could be useful in the future Air RB matches when we will have SAM sites.

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Camo: “Identity crisis”


I see the two seater Mirage III

can it use any secondary ordinances?

Also here is some more Mirage IIIDP’s, EP’s and 5PA’s if they are weren’t already posted here



Last one seems to have PL-7 missiles.

More probably magics no?

Same load as normal mirage 3, and if it has the nose DART FLIR, then it can use LGBs and the like as well.

Training PL-7s have red colored body

Strange ive never heard about PAF using PL-7s on their mirages lol.
Is it possible this is an inert magic or something?
I mean im all for a better missile but it seems ambitious

Magic one and PL-7 have exact same stats in WT

True but irl i think PL-7 has a better performing IRCCM

Even in real life both are the same thing. Its just a chinese made magic 1

1 or 2?
I forgor 💀

Magic 1. Both Magic 1 and 2 are quite OP in game.

I have a tac view pic of a magic pulling 80G

Yup I hate those missiles for that reason. Always kills me

I dont see many of them in battles but then again i havent been playing air much recently

Type 85 AFV

14.5mm HMG s primary right?