Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Idk probably. Some Type 85s had 30mm auto cannon as primary gun(with the same turret)

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we had one mirage type that had an inbuilt IR-TGP but i finally found a pic of one carrying whta looks to be like the litening?
(This is a Mirage ROSE III)


Yeah it does look like Litening. Looks like this jet was sent to France for upgradation.

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yep, France did help in upgrading some mirages to certain ROSE stages but i didnt know they did some ROSE III upgrades in france too.

although looking at the picture, it seems more for exhibition than rolling out of a factory


K-8NG. Since Pakistan is co-producing this jet we can add this in the TT.


Immediately Interested.
Ill wait for a prototype first tho

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A guy from our squadron made it

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JF-17 Block 3 with PL-10E missile

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Block III will be fighting EF at this rate

with PL-10 as IRIS-T counter and the future FAAZ as Meteor counter

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JF-17 might become the future F-5E in WT. Nimble and deadly

Got any updates on FAAZ?

in DCS it outrates the F-16 and is comparable to F-18 rate capability.

just gotta manage our speed

nope, they probably wont release until a product is made

Should be a decent dogfighter then

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We might end up buying JF-17 as our relations with Pakistan is somewhat normalizing. It could become a stop gap solution like the F-7BGI till we can manage to get the Eurofighters or something from USA.

Due to the recent changes in our government I think we are never going to get the Pantsir or Mi28NM. As Boeing has already offered AH64E, we might finalise the procurement in the next few years. Although current government is pro west we can still expect to see the J10.

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Im sorry but BTR-80 at 1.0?

Its the base BTR-80 with NSVT

Even then that thing would be fast

Yes but 50mm pen isn’t that good

Although I think it should be able to survive at 4.0 or 5.0