Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Production variant and COIN variant of BBT-2 will be revealed soon.


BAF is considering to make MiG-29 I guess or maybe its shown as an example.

F-7P with laser guided bomb. They should have kept the laser guided bombs in its final loadout.

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It cannot guide then so that’s why they didn’t go with the loadout.
Even for the mirages we needed project ROSE to have gbus

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Mirage ROSE has targeting pod?

yes, its either dart or litening


is this an Attacker FB.11?


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You meant the “FB.1” which i’m probably say no and is more likely to be the FB.50 variant, a landbased variant of the Attacker built for Pakistani specifications

PAF uses mk 1 type designation so i got confused 😅

AML 60-20 (Pakistan). PAF had at least 5 of these for defending air bases.


Where is this?
I have it in the TT, but i never found a picture of this

Couldn’t find any pictures of it in PAF service.

Sigh sadly me neither…
Ill keep looking ig.
Most likely i wiuld find it at a PAF base museum or a storage or something

Add this as a premium tank. At the first glance it kinda looks like Leopard 2 XD

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What… exactly is it lol.

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MBT-2000 with Multi spectral camo(Thermal camo)

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Does it have a specific name i could use (like the leopard 2 PzBtl 123 has)

I dont really know which regiment or battalion uses this, so finding a name like that is quite difficult but MBT-2000s are usually used by 11 Infantry Division.

BTR-80s also got a similar camo net. I guess these camo nets are made by Russia. It kinda looks like the camo nets seen on T-90M. If I can find the camo net’s name then we can use it in its name.

these are VT-5s here alongside BTRs?