Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

We dont have historical matchmaking btw. Also real life rivalry doesnt matter in WT.


That’s map you’re talking about is obviously Kashmir and not Uttar Pradesh (Also no tank battles ever happened at UP in the modern era). And yes I know they removed historical matchmaking for some balancing.

And some Hindi dialogues are wrong. I mean seriously why is does the Indian commander say ‘zamin par let jao’ because that makes no sense for a tank crew since it means ‘go prone on the ground’.
Off topic: For some reason the commander also sounds like that Sunny Deol for some reason lol.

U.S+ China+ USSR tree?


F-16, MIG-29 and JF-17 that is the Air tree

Yes I got it, you are talking about the Bangladesh Air Force.

Hehe add france in too cuz mirage line
And britain cuz early ranks

Soo… just copy-paste

Well, no, they’re Pakistan unique variants mostly

Commanders voice is even worse than Sunny Deol’s. Commander’s voice sounds like a street hawker.

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Pakistani Mirages are very different from the original Mirage


All three are unique

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Trying to figure out when a tank battle took place a cargo port, in a US styled Dutch town, Antarctic, Japan, a castle, a spaceport and the Aral sea.


The official further proclaimed, “The Indian Air Force’s operation of the Rafale has notably elevated the likelihood of the Eurofighter Typhoon’s deployment.”

well bangladesh about to be a key player now lol. i hope they get Meteors instead of AMRAAMs

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Airforce officials did visit MBDA headquarters, so there is some hope for Meteor. MBDA gave them a scale Meteor model as well.

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Rajasthan and Sindh are great places to utilize btw.

Not sure about Rajasthan but Sindh can be a good map. Rajasthan is just desert, nothing special.

Asal uttar is a historical one…
Chawinda also is one of the largest tank battles since Kursk.
Philora in sialkot too.

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