Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Nice option

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I think our F-6s had PL-1 missiles. In the picture you can see PL-1 missile in front of the FT-6.
Adding PL-1 shouldn’t affect its BR.


Would be very lovely to see a subtree for JF17 at least, very iconic and very special.
Edit: the fact that it’s only equipped by Pakistani Air Force and not by China, also produced domestically in Pakistan, makes it even better. This is not even an imported vehicle, and deserve at least a subtree more than anyone out there.

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my meaning was genetic pools. nothing more. hence history has no part in this.

i have a lot to say about what you wrote, but i would suggest removing the large portion of your comment as it is classified as political and might get flagged for the off topic nature

Please stop projecting your opinion on people of history.
Also i beleive i told you to drop this topic.

Also imo Indian subcontinent tech trees have no place in WarThunder, they are nothing more than copy paste mix-up nonsense which ruin the game. Also most people of the subcontinent will obviously get angered and ruin the game by doing intentional friendly fire like those Chinese players who target each other for ROC/PRC flags.

Good day to you.
And good bye.

Actually countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Southeast Asian, Middle East and African tech trees should not be added into WarThunder. They are just copy-paste and in the case of India and Pakistan they are a mix of NATO and Russian stuff. Only South Africa is a country which should be added. There is nothing unique in these countries except weird hybrid Indian ground vehicles and those SAM tanks of North Korea which could easily fit in Russia and China respectively. Moreover adding Pakistan and India into one will increase the number of idiots who intentionally commit friendly fire and wage flame wars in chat.

Tell me you didn’t invest time into researching Indian subcontinent vehicles without telling me directly


Bro is the incarnation of entitlement of opinion lmao.

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I did research lol, most of Indian vehicles are either NATO, Soviet, Soviet-NATO hybrid or licensed copy (except HAL Marut). Pakistani and Bangladeshi are either NATO, Chinese or licensed copy. Only two Indian vehicles are unique and they are too weird hybrids, one is a Sherman with the gun of PT-76: and the NAMICA tank destroyed (BMP modified as a missile carrier)
And the others are the TATA Kestrel and this prototype named ‘Chakrarath’ (Wheeled Chariot):
Other than these three there is nothing special. The indigenous Al-Khalid and Arjun are just copies with minor differences. Al-Khalid can be just put in China tree and the Indian hybrids could be just put in Russia tree, The indigenous Indian helicopters HAL Rudra and Prachand are also very less for a tree. There’s just not enough stuff to make a full tech tree. It would be just another unnecessary 98% copy-paste tree like Israel. Rather they should first fix irritating bugs like shell disappearing after your vehicle is destroyed and make some new ground modes like airfield defence/capture and truck convoy escort/ambush before making these unnecessary trees, which sadly they won’t.

Consider this thread as a “To-do list” for suggestions. This TT has very low probability of getting into the game but this thread serves as a wishlist or a reminder for suggestions of unique vehicles.

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This is simply not true. There are many friendly Indian/Pakistani players that don’t hate each other.


Please be aware that we do not require your approval. This thread is for enthusiasts of thr pakistan plus bangladesh tree. If you don’t like it. Thats fine. Be on your way.
The sgeer time you seem to be hell bent on trying to prove your pov makes it look like you feel yriggered by the mere proposal of such a tree.
Freedom of speech just isnt respected these days sigh.

And weve seen russo-ukr hate too. Should we remove russia? And temove america too while your at it. Flame wars are never ending.

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Other than that, I simply don’t get the purpose of making these copy-paste trees. They should rather fix the bugs - like shell disappearance. Sadly Gaijin has said that it will not make any more game modes. I mean naval and air battles have various objectives like destroying convoys, bases, bunkers, ports and all that while in ground mode it’s that same boring point capture instead of varied missions like truck convoy escort/ambush, engaging players with Ai bunkers/AT guns, airfield attack/defence kind of stuff. Instead of getting new diverse modes all we get are these copy-paste tech trees and self-propelled howitzers charging into tanks kind of nonsense. I mean what’s the point of SPHs when we can’t use them for long-range indirect fire.

@Miraz05 eid mubarak broski

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Eid mubarak.

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And what about Indo-Pak maps, like Longewala and Asal Uttar, because without them all this is incomplete.

We will get them at one point. We already have Uttar Pradesh map.