Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree


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oh damn!
i didnt know they already made mockups (i assume theyre mockups cuz no ay they already made missiles so soon)

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ok so it is for the jf-17 but…
what is the FAAZ-1 missile??
ive never heard of it and they say it HAS a 100km range…

On the picture you can see these two has 100km range. So FAAZ-1, FAAZ-2 might just be a naming error.

no it said FAAZ 1 is the predecessor

found a janes article on it:

ah so this is it…

Currently in the development phase, the FAAZ is a beyond-visual-range (BVR) AAM. The FAAZ family has two variants, baseline FAAZ (also referred to as FAAZ-1) and extended-range FAAZ-2.

The ones you see in the picture that I shared are FAAZ-1 actually and FAAZ 2 is still underdevelopment. FAAZ-1 is underdevelopment as well but it has at least reached the mockup stage.

i knew it looked too short to be capable of 180km 😅
so basically FAAZ-1 will be AMRAAM replacement while FAAZ-2 is the actual upgrade

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I believe Rashid Minhaj’s T-33 must be avoided.
This incident has two stories. Each of the pilots died for their own country. Both deserve equal respect.
But Matiur received way too much hate from Pakistan for what he did.

i thought abt mati ur rahmans T-33 but yk the issue came up that it wasnt his… i could add something else though

Due to the situation regarding this its best to avoid it.

btw sent you a message in discord

ah srry phones ded, lemme open on laptop

Currently located at Bangabandhu military museum.

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China should get the Korean M2020 (MBT) Operator: North Korea | Researcher: China as a TT vehicle (Tank)

USSR should get it instead. North korean vehicles are mostly based on soviet vehicles not chinese

United Korean tree, cheers



Bangladeshi Pr123k found in the files.

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