Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

The cannon housing seems the most similar with this one

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it just is missing the ATGM which I think are not loaded…right?
EDIT: due to different IFV variant

This one is armed with the 2A72 so maybe the ATGM is an optional feature…
China likes to offer a wide variety so it kinda makes sense

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yup the VN-1 doesn’t have it as the ZBD09 variant has ATGMs and is based on the VN-1 so that makes sense…

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a shame pakistan didnt import the VN-1… i had actually included that in the TT in the earlier versions but had to remove because nothing became of the interest

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We are possibly buying it. Hopefully both Pataria AMV and VN-1 will be bought.


Sherman firefly?

When the Ukraine war will end Ukraine will upgrade our BTRs and T-69IIG(If the manufacturer company survives till the end of the war. Its the same company that makes the BTR-3s)

not exactly, its either one of these two

M4 (A276/A176)




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BR 1.0 tank

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i found a treasure trove of pakistani military development

Pakistani defence company GIDS announced induction of indigenously developed air defence system

LOMADS (Air Defence System Fully Autonomous Self-Propelled Truck-Mounted System)​


  • Range: 7km – 100 km
  • Altitude: 30m – 20 km
  • Simultaneous targets engage 12
  • Max Target Speed: 0.1 – 3 Mach
  • Max Missile Speed: 5 Mach
  • CFCM, MFR, 6 MLMs with 4 missiles each


(image is of HISAR not LOMAD)

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FAAZ missile will be interesting

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it apparently comes in ARH and IR variants and a surface launched version is also being looked into (like IRIS-T SL)

The variant with the IIR seeker might be a WVR missile

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or like R-27ET


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It would be interesting to see them on F-16 or Mirages

probably being designed for the jeff and j-10 and j-31

check this out…
i hope we get this

E-SHORADS (FAAZ-SL) Air Defence System

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or PFX

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