Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Mahmood Alam’s F-86 as a premium

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which variant of the sabre does this seem like?

i can see that its not armed with 20mm but with 12.7mm mgs due to the ammo magazines showing, but other than that im clueless

I have no idea. I dont know much about sabers.

I think its F86F-40NA or maybe F86F-35NA.

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ZPT-90 fire rate can be change, 500 rpm max.

Caliber: 25mm
Muzzle velocity:
Fire rate:
100/200/500 rpm
Horizontal: 360°

The file can’t be post, but that’s what I see.

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not again XD

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first china x pakistan leak lmao

What was leaked manual or something else?

just a page, didn’t actually say if it was classified (was in Chinese)
imagine if this was actually a false alarm lol

Anyone know the name of this 8x8 IFV? Is this VN-1?

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the closest I can get is the ZBD-09 IFV which you can see the ATGM on the both side of the turret and the front is similar , what do you say?

Top view

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ZBD09 isnt meant for export as far as I’m aware

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The VN-1C is armed with a 30 mm (remote weapons station) which is essentially an unmanned turret and a [HJ-73] ATGM, which is an export varient of Type 08 ,which I mean is the platform on which this the ZBD 09 was built on and yes the pic is of ZBD 09 ,it has PLA’s emblem with the digital camo too ,altough the VN-1C is kinda different, as shown below:-


EDIT: Yeah actually it is the same thing just the export variant is called VN-1 then with different config. comes this one.The ZBD09 is domestic variant

ZBD 09
This website is throwing me off which one came first ZBD 09 or VN-1?
How and Why would the export variant come first before the domestic one?

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Which would be due to them not being exported to Pakistan but other countries did get them.


Bruh why…?

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Why what?

The image is from right?

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