Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Same load as normal mirage 3, and if it has the nose DART FLIR, then it can use LGBs and the like as well.

Training PL-7s have red colored body

Strange ive never heard about PAF using PL-7s on their mirages lol.
Is it possible this is an inert magic or something?
I mean im all for a better missile but it seems ambitious

Magic one and PL-7 have exact same stats in WT

True but irl i think PL-7 has a better performing IRCCM

Even in real life both are the same thing. Its just a chinese made magic 1

1 or 2?
I forgor 💀

Magic 1. Both Magic 1 and 2 are quite OP in game.

I have a tac view pic of a magic pulling 80G

Yup I hate those missiles for that reason. Always kills me

I dont see many of them in battles but then again i havent been playing air much recently

Type 85 AFV

14.5mm HMG s primary right?

Idk probably. Some Type 85s had 30mm auto cannon as primary gun(with the same turret)

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we had one mirage type that had an inbuilt IR-TGP but i finally found a pic of one carrying whta looks to be like the litening?
(This is a Mirage ROSE III)


Yeah it does look like Litening. Looks like this jet was sent to France for upgradation.

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yep, France did help in upgrading some mirages to certain ROSE stages but i didnt know they did some ROSE III upgrades in france too.

although looking at the picture, it seems more for exhibition than rolling out of a factory


K-8NG. Since Pakistan is co-producing this jet we can add this in the TT.


Immediately Interested.
Ill wait for a prototype first tho

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A guy from our squadron made it

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