P-63A-10 vs P38

I cant decide which one.

P-63 to some is better at bomber hunts though it performs somewhat decently for light cases as well to an extent. P-38 however is a better fighter for higher altars if you know what you’re doing.

I’d recommend p63 because , p-38 in air realistic isn’t that great ( i have only played the taiwanese p-38) because it isn’t going to turn with the fighters you are facing .and generally has a high skill ceiling

That’s a lie. If you’re at higher altitudes most fighters will struggle to climb up towards you even in a shallow climb. It’s an aircraft that has a Medium-skill ceiling since unless you know what you’re doing it’s going to perform poorly.

i mean we all know that most of the enemy team will never climb to the p-38s high altitude . Which is why high altitude players generally have low score per game , it really depends on your playstyle and preferences if you want agility p-63 is a better option , if you want more climb then go with the 38,
I personally prefer the agility in low to mid tiers , since in jet aircraft it’s just stratosphere camping from every player of the team

Yeah, most won’t because the ones flying it don’t know what they’re doing, They forcing an aircraft into turn fighting because that’s all they saw in exaggerated documentaries. If it was a skilled pilot/player who fought against a few. Your team is screwed.

Wow thank you so much everyone for the detailed answers this really helps.

This is an arcade threa though. so who cares about the performance in RB?

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