Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 should be the same BR as other vehicles with Fim-92s

Type 81 being the same BR as Strela would mean it’s undertiered, as it’s clearly a better vehicle.

Type 81 doesn’t fight Strela, so it wouldn’t be undertiered

Type 81 is better than Strela at doing their job, so it would be undertiered.

Oh ok, so since Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 don’t face WW2 aircraft, they don’t have to go up.

Did you ever try to dodge a missile of a strela in a heli??? Good luck because even luck can’t help you

Shouldn’t the LAV and Chaparral both go up if that’s the case?

Like 1 sits at 9.0(a BR which can actually see WW2 aircraft) and the other gets 8 stingers, rocket pods and full belts of HVAP.

10.3 helicopters have 5km or even more range on their ATGMs so they can’t get engaged by Strela, even with contrast seeker.

The Chappy is just, sad, and the LAV isn’t at 9.7, it’s at 10.0.

Chaparral just needs its missile’s motor fixed.

It was one of my favorite spaa until that bug.

They already are:

Also Stormer Air Defense and LAV-AD are 10.0.

With 2x the missiles of the Ozelot and a gun. Or 4x as many missiles as the Gepard 1A2 gets.


They can because if the couldn’t I wouldn’t complain

Wait, so you’re complaining because AAs can actually touch you ?
This is what handholding earlier ATGM helicopters do to a man.

Strela lacks any kind of radar or thermals, so you should be able to find it and engage first.

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It’s still a missile launcher system that is seeing WW2 planes.

And the LAV has more missiles then the ozelot and Gepard along with a gun and rocket pods to defend itself so it should go up if the others do.


Throughout all of this, he still hasn’t said exactly which WW2 aircraft are seeing Stingers. And there’s lower BR’d manpads launchers anyway.


so yeah you are full of a lot of shit.

LAV-AD 10.0 has additionaly stingers, hydra missles, minigun and a thermal, superior then ozelot and gepard 1a2 in every aspect

Sidam 25 with mistrals 9.7 as well, mistrals perform very closely to stingers

stromer ad 10.0 stingers, minigun thermals, like the lav ad superior in every aspect

type 93 9.3 type 91 missle, performs similar to stingers. performs worse cause it doesnt have a radar lower br justified

santal with mistrals 9.3 as well, mistrals perform very closely to stingers, iuts is quite big. lower br justified

machbet 9.3 minigun with stingers, has thermals as well

if you compare them all the ozelot and the gepard 1a2 sit well where they are and you are only hating on those 2 vehicles for the sake of hating them

The fewest stinger systems actualy are above 10.0


It also has contrast seeker which will increase the range against helicopters in some cases.

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Yes, unless they are flying low enough where the seeker can see the ground and the helicopter at the same time then it won’t work. Even if there’s clear sky behind them…

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You forgot the ZSU-23-4M4, which is identical to the Gepard 1A2 (with actually better missiles) but gets to sit at 9.3 instead.

It has worse missiles and a worse radar, keep in mind that they remove the proximity fuze of those.