Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 should be the same BR as other vehicles with Fim-92s

Yup. Funny is when i saw the US chaparral dropping in br due to the bug.

They would sooner drop their br than fix the bug i guess.

iirc the us one never got the smokeless motor though?

Do you have any proof of this “bug” on the israeli one?

Fim-92s can also lock onto Hueys at far greater distances than they’re supposed to.

The Mim-72E, the one unlockable through modifications on the American one, and stock for the Israeli one, used to have a smokeless motor until Gajin broke it.

They should. Strela is quite OP could be easily 10.7

Placing 9.3/9.7 Stinger slingers to 10.0/10.3 would mean Strela has to move up by the same amount. This will then force AAs higher up to move as well, creating chaos.

Or, just move Strela up aswell anyways because it’s undertiered. There’s 0 issue with compressing BRs, when you compress them by moving vehicles up.

Moving Stingers to 10.3 would mean Strela has to go 11.0 or 11.3, which also means stuff like Type 81/TOR/2S6 has to go up as well.

Or, we just move Stingers and Strela up and not move anything else up. They’re both undertiered right now, so that would be problem solved.

Type 81/TOR/2S6 are better than Strela and should have higher BR.

There’s no problem with Strela being the same br. It’s undertiered as it is right now anyways.

There’s a problem as Strela is worse than those so it should never sit at the same BR.

It’s undertiered right now, so it should be moved up. Simple as that.

Not until other vehicles above it move up as well.

You were saying that they can’t be moved up, so the only real solution is have them all at the same BR.

They can’t be moved up until higher ones move up as well, as they are better thus the BR difference.
Ask for proper decompression.

Decompression takes time. Moving Strela up solves the issue of Strela being undertiered, and it wouldn’t cause any other issues as Strela would perform fine.

It would create an issue of other AAs being undertiered as now they’re at the same BR as worse vehicle.

No, the other SPAAs would be fine. BR is determined by the enemies you fight, not the enemies you don’t fight.

They would be undertiered as they’d share the same BR with the worse contemporary, which is Strela in this case.

Undertiered has nothing to do with the enemies that you don’t fight, thus the other SPAA wouldn’t be undertiered. Besides, Strela is undertiered, and undertiered vehicles need to be moved up.