It’s pretty goofy that these two face WW2 aircraft. Ozelot should be 10.0 and Gepard 1A2 should be 10.3. This would make them consistent with other Fim-92 vehicles.
Actually facts
Un-rare footage of CAS hater who couldn’t possibly live with undertiered SPAA completely untouchable by most planes and far better than anything else any other nation has at its BR.
Stinkers go as low as 9.3.
Placing them up to 10.0/3 would mean Strelas need to move up, which they shouldn’t.
The only WW2 aircraft they can face are Me163s and Ki 200s, which are overtiered in the first place.
Also if you’re taking those out for CAS/CAP in a full 8.7-9.7 uptier you should reconsider.
The closest equivalents to the Gepard 1A2 are the PGZ04A and ZSU-23-4M4, both of which sit at 9.3.
What WW2 aircraft is a 9.7 SPAA gonna see? Pretty much all 7.0 jets are postwar, and the ones that aren’t… are german.
Idk much about the Matchbet cause no1 uses it, but it doesn’t change the fact that Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 being at 9.7 is goofy af. The Strela also has nothing to do with the Ozelot or Gepard 1A2
There’s tons of planes with WW2 CAS capabilities that are placed agains Fim-92Ks e.g F-86F-2, FJ-4B, and F-104. The few planes that can, let alone, deal with the normal Gepard are far higher than they should be (AV-8C, A-4E, F-100D, etc).
Anyone playing 8.7 or 9.0 has literally nothing to counter Fim-92Ks.
Not your original claim:
So we’re not even 10 replies deep and ALREADY changing the goalposts.
All Korean War or later and more than capable of defeating Stingers.
What’s the difference?
What? this has been about the Gepard 1A2 and Ozelot for the entire time.
You mean the P-51H-5?
Me when I make up stuff for ragebait and than recant it when confronted
There’s a logical fallacy for that that I can’t remember the name of…
F-86F-2s were built in late 1952. That’s 7 years of early jet development after WW2 ended. All others came even later.
No, it was about those two “facing WW2 aircraft”. At least try to keep up with your own post.
1945 and didn’t even see service before the war ended.
Edit: also didn’t see service in Korea btw
Again, what’s the difference? It’s abit faster than most WW2 vehicles, but that’s literally it. It has literally nothing to fight against Fim-92s.
If you’re going to keep changing goalposts away from the Ozelot and Gepard 1A2, then just leave.
It being played or not has no impact on anything as it’s still a 92K slinger and as such should be moved up with others alike.
Yes it does.
Strela is better than both and those should never share the same BR.
Good thing all aircraft can roll and pull, as that’s all it takes to dodge early IR missiles.
Ok, so somply move them up aswell.
Good thing all tanks can just not spawn in, as that’s all it takes to not get bombed.
“a bit”
An actual WW2 plane like the 262 does a little over 800kph in level flight and take ages to get there or climb. Put an F Sabre into a dive and it’ll go supersonic.
Literally just turn and don’t stall yourself in front of them
You mean your goalposts. That you keep trying to move away from.
Still haven’t mentioned any WW2 plane (as per your topic) that actually sees 9.7 SPAA.
What does this have to do with what he said? He is arguing that there are things you can do to counter stingers. He has never mentioned being bombed.
Strela moving up would demand stuff like OSAs, 2S6, TOR, etc. to go up as well. This can’t be done as long as we have BR cap at 12.0.
Yes, the perfect counter against IRs is to not spawn in a plane. That is, if you don’t know how to roll/pull.
Most of his stuff make no sense, he’s just rage baiting. If you already haven’t met Pangolin and his takes, this thread is a perfect intro.
Then just move strela up without moving OSA, 2S6, TOR etc up. None of this is an excuse for Ozy and Geppy 1A2 to be as low as they are.
This can’t be done as those are equal/better than Strela, so they’ll have to move up in tandem.