Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 should be the same BR as other vehicles with Fim-92s

Except if the cas outranges the spaa they dont need to get close… that would be a skill issue on the cas player for dying.


I was refering to your argument here

If cas outranges spaa, cas never has to get within spaa range.

Sounded like it was an issue for you.


Yes, because CAS should spent all game circling the battlefield and never actually getting close enough to do anything.

I mean, yeah, technically. It’s pretty useless if it doesn’t get close enough to actually destroy tanks though.

You were the one making a deal out of the Wirbel’s ammo, It’s not an issue for me.

You responded to him talking about cas outranging spaa. If that is the case you wouldn’t be to far to do anything.

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Cas outranging spaa means that they can do their job outside of spaa range.

Sure bud…

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You both need to get toptier FnF guided weapons out of your head. We’re not talking about that.

By your definition, p-26 outranges the pantsir.

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Yeah but you were replying to this other guy talking about it. If you want to change the topic, which is understandable, don’t lie about what we were talking about.

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You’re the one trying to make this about toptier. This isn’t about toptier. If you want to talk about toptier, then go to one of the many discussions about toptier.

Yup. Standard definition for cas outranging spaa is:

Cas can take out ground targets while remaining outside of effective spaa range.

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You were literally keeping to top tier or Fnf conversation going. I do not want to make this about top tier. Again, it is ok to want to change the subject back to the original post, you dont have to get mad at me.

I would not say impossible, though it seems that it would be pretty difficult (I have never played against them). If I were to fight them I would most likely use terrain to get close to them (were their missiles will not have enough pull to hit you) and try to get them. If you cannot find the ozelot, I would just bait a missile when you have decent speed and its at a decent range were it will be pretty easy to dodge, then use terrain or fly low to get them. But if the ozelot/gepard player is good it will most likely be impossible/extremely hard to deal with them.

Also I dont think that you should be blaming the stingers. In my opinion the ozelot is so good because you are extremely small and hard to spot and very fast, meaning you can get into rat spots nobody will expect. The gepard on the other hand I haven’t used much and I will not give an opinion on.

You can argue against anything I said because I have very little/no experience fighting stingers, I am simply basing this off what I would do and what my smart enemies do.

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Do I need to spell this out for you?
The F-84F (for example) outranges the Gepard using CCRP

Now, an F-84F needs to stay far away from a Gepard to not get shredded. “far away”, or a “safe distance” usually means you’re at about the max range that you could spot a tank.

However, you close a considerable distance when setting a Gepard as your target point, and lining up for a CCRP bomb toss.

This means that by the time you’re ready to drop, you have gone from a “safe” distance to “you’re gonna die” distance.

This means, you need to stay extra far away, which also means spotting tanks is incredibly difficult, ESPECIALLY if they’re not moving (remember this, it’s important)

Now, at this “extra far” distance, the Gepard can lock onto you and get a lead indicator, which 90% of the time means they will try to shoot at you.

You’re still too far to be hit if you make so much as a minor course correction, and so the Gepard is only harming themself by revealing their location.

Now, all you needa do is set the Gepard as a target point, and drop your bomb all whilst staying at a relatively safe distance.

This is an example of being able to outrange SPAA

But here’s the kicker. Remember what I said about it being incredibly hard to spot tanks at a safe distance? ESPECIALLY non-moving ones? Well, as it turn out, CCRP only works against stationary targets.

This means, you either need to get close enough to spot a non-moving target and use CCRP to bomb him, or get close enough to just drop your bombs on som1 (moving or non moving) without using your ballistics computer.

Both of these put you well within the you’re gonna die distance, and so if there’s any SPAA who wasn’t stupid enough to shoot at a plane who’s out of range, or an SPAA just spawned in, you’re pretty much fucked no matter what, and F-84F isn’t agile enough to dodge radar SPAA.

This means you either need to stay too far from the battlefield to bomb normal tanks, or get close enough to risk being shot down (and believe me, there is another SPAA waiting for you 90% of the time)

Now, do you understand how you can outrange SPAA without having free range to kill normal tanks?

All of your messages in the past 20 minutes have been about toptier. I’m not gonna waste any more time with you.

If you cant effectively take out tanks outside of effective spaa range, you are not outranging spaa.

There must be a sizable gap between what we both define as “outranging spaa”. For me, being able to lob a dumb bomb from 7km and praying that it hits something is not what i would consider “outranging spaa”

If it is a large enough bomb, like the pe8’s 5 ton, then it would be outranging spaa due to it being able to effectively get kills from outside of spaa range.

That’s not what outranging SPAA means, it’s not how people use the term, and it’s not how I’m using the term.

outranging SPAA means you can effectively take out SPAA at a longer range than it can take it you.

That is basically the exact same thing. You cant effectively take out a gepard with a 5km+ bomb lob, unless you have a large enough bomb to kill him after he drives off.

I take it you’ve never used CCRP before . . .

I can only recall one time I’ve ever seen a Gepard start moving after I’ve dropped my bomb.

i have. last i checked, it doesnt change anything about the bomb itself.

Skill issue on their part. Many such cases of bad spaa players.

Yes, and if it weren’t for their skill issue, Gepards would be just about untouchable to CAS.

Im confused now. Does your ccrp outrange the gepard or not?

Skill issue on the spaa’s part is not a consideration.