Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 should be the same BR as other vehicles with Fim-92s

Strela has a normal motor, the Stinger has a smokeless though.

I hate Gepards (and all radar SPAA) seeing my ww2 stuff as much as the next guy but this is just ridiculous

Stinger does not have a smokeless motor.


Would you care to provide a source for that?

Fine make stinger pull 22g like it supposed to then it can go up

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It’s smokeless for the first few seconds, but yeah it’s still a load of BS.

Again, none of this is justification for the Ozy and Geppy 1A2 to be so low.

Better solution: Move it up as it is right now because it’s already overperforming. Putting Fim-92s against WW2 vehicles is utter insanity.

The K does, doesn’t it? Or am I thinking of the Chaparral’s missile

Neither do from what I can see.

The Chapparal’s Mim-72E (the one unlockable through modifications) used to be smokeless . . . until Gajin broke it.

Bro cant stop switching the argument.

They really arent. Most stinger kills are due to the plane doing standard “no brain cas”. Anyone that is aware of the launch can dodge it.

It has 13g of pull. How did you get to these brs if you never learned how to dodge an aim9b?


Fim-92s and “these two” are the same thing. They’re both refering to the Ozelot and the Gepard 1A2.

I see you’re pretty dull. The problem isn’t dodging Fim-92s, the problem is actually serving as CAS, when there’s an Ozelot around.

Spaa are supposed to make your job difficult.

Not sure how easy you expect cas to be but cas should have to work around spaa.


The problem comes when SPAA outranges CAS. If SPAA doesn’t have to use cover, and can just sit exactly where they spawn and still shutdown the airspace, then we run into a massive issue.

Bear in mind, SPAA only costs a fraction of what SPAA does, and in some cases, less than 1/10 the cost. Such a cheap vehicle shouldn’t have the upper-hand even in the hands of a noobs with one hand tied behind their back.

I’m not even kidding. Many SPAAs, especially German ones, are braindead enough to be effective without even needing a keyboard.

It is better for that than for cas to outrange spaa. Just look at top tier.

Not sure which those would be. It is pretty easy to know when the spaa engaging you is dumb.

Of course a good spaa player will make things pretty difficult.


Bringing toptier into a non-toptier CAS discussion, the most reliable way to lose any credibility.

Ostwind 1/2, Wirbelwind, all near untouchable to a plane without unguided rockets. Gepard/1A2 and Ozelot, even more so, but to planes without CCRP or guided weapons.

Not in the reasoning i used. I gave an example of how bad it is when cas outranges spaa.

Unless you have anything with 20mm. Wirbelwind is the easier of those since they have a reload.

Gepard can be a challenge depending on what you use. Ozelot doesnt have guns so it isnt so bad once you get past the initial engagment.


You do realize there’s a difference between jets with absolute insane amounts of thrust, carrying 6+ FnF guided weapons with ridiculous range, paired against SPAA decades older, and putting WW2 aircraft against Fim-92s?

You do see the distinction there, right?

No 20mm, and how have you been playing your wirbel for ammo to be an issue?

Gepard and Ozy are both near impossible to counter without either CCRP or TV/IR/Laser guided weapons, especially if they’re smart enough not to sit out in the open, and even then you’re within Ozelot firing range before you can even see them.

In both cases, if cas outrange spaa, they will have free reign. Even if you just have like 3 bomb drops, you could just take your time, get 3 kills, go rtb and repeat.

What exactly do you mean by this? Could you reword it?

After you get past the initial 1-2, they can do much to you. The stinger cant pull enough to hit things at close range.


That’s simply skill issue. All SPAA needs to do is wait for CAS to get close, that’s literally all it takes. With Gepard and Ozelot, however, SPAA can be even more braindead than usual.

The Wirbel’s ammo isn’t an issue for most people. What are you doing that’s causing it to be an issue??

If It’s dumb enough to keep firing at an aircraft that already knows there’s an Ozelot, then they shouldn’t even be wasting a spot on their team. The issue comes when people who have half a braincell.