Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 should be the same BR as other vehicles with Fim-92s

Honestly, as a cas user, i think the spaa/cas balance should be like how it is at 9.7.

What are you using your f84f to do?

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LAV-AD is better.
It has more missiles, thermals and a Hydra pod. Gepard fires better ammo though.

RWR doesn’t tell you where their shells are.

You don’t even know what SPAAG is, don’t you ?
It’s not meh, it’s literally the best you can find in the game, stop with the US victim complex.

And they are.

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It’s pretty goofy that these two face WW2 aircraft. Ozelot should be 10.0 and Gepard 1A2 should be 10.3. This would make them consistent with other Fim-92 vehicles.

Read your own post. No mention of 8.3 to 9.0.
Only mention of WW2 aircraft, of which there are none facing 9.7.
You made it about your obsession to ignore all options and uptier an aircraft by 1.4 BR.

All but 1 9.0 aircraft have no RWR.
Following your logic, it should be raised to (at least) 9.7, as the aircraft have no chance.

just hide

I don’t think you understood me… as you named all the SPAAs on the upper limit.
I meant in between those BRs.
Now please, I am listening to your answer; SPAAs inbetween those BRs please. Name them.

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More missiles is irrelevant due to ammo boxes, and thermals aren’t as useful as search radar. The lack of a hydra pod isn’t enough to justify a lower BR, especially with better guns.

It tells whether or not you’re being tracker.

Not really, Its use cases are pretty limited. It’d be far more valuable to have an 8.3 or 8.7 SPAA.

Except for at 9.7 where cheaper SPAA are more powerful that expensive planes.

Like you said, only one 9.0 has no RWR. It’s fine at 9.0.

That’s not why having 0 anti-tank capabilities is such a downside, and you know it. You’re grasping at straws because, for some reason, you just wanna hate on the M247.

That’s not what 7.0-8.3 means.

Name a 7.7-8.7 SPAA for America first.

No it’s not as you’ll often spend several to get one player.

Still gives you zero idea of how to dodge.

No it wouldn’t.
US is good at 9.0 and has the best 9.0 - 9.3 CAS/AA combo.

They are not more powerful, it’s already been explained.

M247 has AT capabilities, I’ve killed tanks with it.

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Not like I said at all. Please read carefully.

All but 1 9.0 aircraft have no RWR

Means only one of the 9.0 aircraft has a RWR.

Since this is the case and it also has tracerless proxy-rounds, the M247 has an incredible advantage over 9.0 aircraft.
Following your own logic, it should then be increased in BR.

Pro tip:

I am not hating on the M247, I am simply applying your logic on its case.

You do realize that the whole point of me asking was that there are none. Not for America, not for anyone.

I wanted to show you that every nation has to uptier their SPAS because they don’t have another option. Therefore CAS has almost always the advantage.

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Sorry but that’s just skill issue

Sure, it’s a little harder (I mean, of course it’d be, it’s a higher BR and sacrifices literally everything else) but dodging is more or less the same.

America has no 9.0 CAS. The F4D-1 used to be a great option, but Gajin removed its CCIP one update and didn’t say why, and F4D-1 was an event vehicle anyways.

They are more powerful.

You said

Which is saying that only one 9.0 aircraft doesn’t get RWR, which would imply that all the rest DO get RWR.

Sure . . .

Then go make a discussion about those SPAAs. This post isn’t about the SPAA gaps, it’s about the Ozelot and Gepard 1A2.

Stop trying to move goalposts.

No it’s not.
Not being able to dodge a single Stinger is though.

It’s not the same as you don’t see anything coming at you.
You don’t even know if they’re firing.

It has 9.3 ones, the best as well.

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How is it a skill issue if they dodge your stinger?

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It is. Failing to get kills with stingers is simple skill issue.


This is about 8.3-9.0. It’s always been about 8.3-9.0. Stop moving goalposts.

Never said you couldn’t get kills, just said doing 1 kill per 1 Stinger is not realistic.

They don’t need to fire to ping your RWR.

Good, US has the best 8.3 - 9.0 AA in the game.

It’s more realistic than 1 kill per bomb.

Using radar will make their RWR have a temper tantrum.

Undebatably false, and not only that, America has the worst 8.3-9.0 CAS of almost any nation in the game.

So missile count matters, got it.

Has nothing to do with dodging incoming bullets.

Name a better 8.3 - 9.0 AA than M247 for anti-air duty.

Not when you have more than you need.

Yes it does.

Gepard and the clones all have extremely comparable AA capabilities, are faster, smaller, and can kill tanks, all at a lower BR.

8 is not enough at 9.7 where planes easily dodge Stinkers.

HE-VT without tracers can’t really be compared to normal rounds that have tracers. Difference is night and day.

Killing tanks has nothing to do with anti-air duty.

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Which is why you simply launch at unsuspecting targets.

You get RWR screaming at you, tracers or not.

Killing tanks is extremely useful, and it’s a use that M247 doesn’t have.

You can’t be sure if he’s suspecting or not.
They get to know you’re there if you rely on your radar to look for targets though.

You can actually see and dodge incoming fire if they have tracers. I’ve dodged Gepards from 2-2.5km away with Japanese reserve tier naval bomber. Doing that is impossible when you don’t even see someone is shooting at you.

M247 can kill tanks from side on with one shot actually, even T-tanks.

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You can be sure they’re not suspecting a missile, for example, if they’re performing CAS work.

You can simply turn your radar off when you spot an aircraft.

Sure, lob enough shells and one’s gonna volumetric its way in.

If at closer ranges, IRs can really touch you there.
If not, you’ll see the plume of smoke and will be able to react.

They got the RWR ping regardless, now they know you’re there.

You can destroy them in less than 10 shells.

They might know there something somewhere, but have no idea where.