An aircraft shutting off his radar to do AT work makes sense. Besides, the idea that aircraft would suspect an SPAA without radar pings is just strawman argument.
Because an SPAA shutting off his radar to do AT work makes sense. Besides, the idea that aircraft would suspect an SPAA without radar pings is just strawman argument.
(mind the no)
This sentence can be broken up into 2 parts:
Part 1:
All but 1
Part 2:
9.0 aircraft have no RWR.
The phrase “all but” means:
All but 1 = All, except for one
Together with the second part of the sentence, it means the following:
All 9.0 aircraft, except for one, get no RWR.
This can be tricky to understand, as it is a double negative.
Another way of writing this would be:
Only one 9.0 aircraft gets a RWR.
I am sorry. I overestimated your English.
And you are hating on the Gepard and the Ozelot
The M247 can stay right where it is. Every dead CAS is a good CAS.
I mean you were the first to demand someone to name 7.7-8.7 US SPAA. After complaining that US has no good SPAA from 8.3 to 9.3 and being told that the M247 is there and capable.
Just write a suggestion that the proxy-rounds should be removed and the BR be lowered. Since in your opinon proxy-rounds are just not much better. And tada you got an 8.3 SPAA.
On a sidenote:
So you have destroyed dozens of actual WW2 vehicles with your Vietnam-Era SPAA. Shame on you.
The Ozelot doesn’t have it.
And the killing power of a Gepard is comparable to the killing power of a BTR-80A.
Both have around 65-70mm of pen with APT/API.
The M-42 even has 72mm, making it seemingly better than the Gepard.
The M53/59 even has like 90mm of pen, at 6.3. Imagine that… the Gepard at 6.3 or even 4.0…
It has only 40 rounds of APDS (so 20 shots total), which is enough to fight off 1, maybe 2 tanks as self defense, but no more.
Germany has F-84F, AND Alpha jet, unlike America which only gets F-84F.
Yes, SPAA should never be both cheaper, AND more powerful than CAS at the same time.
No, you overestimate your own english.
And they’ve still not come back with an answer.
You were the only one complaining about 8.3-9.3 American SPAA. The point of this post has always been about 8.3-9.0 aircraft being ill-equipped to deal with Ozelot and Gepard 1A2.
It’s insane that this topic has almost 400 replies.
Normally topics like this get shot down really fast like other “got killed by this vehicle now nerf pls” topics
But SPAA being more powerful is. Saying that the easiest role to play in Warthunder, SPAA, getting the hardest part or playing it (determining lead and drop) removed isn’t handholding, yet CAS getting a simple counter and not just using the exact same technology from WW2 IS handholding, then clearly you’re too biased to partake in this discussion.