No it’s the exact opposite of balanced because a 70sp vehicles is more powerful than 500sp vehicles.
Ah that weak argument of yours against
8 vs 32 is an even bigger advantage for the LAV-AD. It can easily saturate a target with Stingers and force the worse jets to continuously dodge until they run out of speed and get hit.
You say it’s weak cause you know you don’t have a counter.
No you are just trying to justify it in a grb mode where normal tanks have no ability to defend itself against CAS and most spaas dont have an ability engange other tanks like the ozelot amd cant do anything else often in the game.
They are a conditional spawn as a reaction to planes. But if no more planes spawn they can literaly do nothing anymore.
The low spawn points are there so that players have the ability to switch back to real tanks and dont get punished as much for switching to a vehicle that might end up being useless. And is a deciding game balance factor.
Should gepard1a2 specialy get increased spawn points? Maybe that is sth that can be argued.
Like already other vehicles got if i remember right like pantsir, adats and 2s6. But most spaas are balanced on their spawn points kike ozelot.
Your wish for cheaper air spawn for a ground most is the unreasonable thing.
Air spawns are supposed to be a reward for players that did well , that doesnt mean they are allowed to dominate firther without backlash
Vehicles that cost most SP should be more powerful. simple as that.
Thats the case with cas.
Spaas arent that powerfull in a grb mode easy as that
Except for at 9.7, which is the whole point of this post.
You confirmed yourself already that stingers are balanced against 9.7 aircraft.
Thats what they are balanced against.
Dont change your statements
You confirmed yourself that stingers are more powerful than nearly every 9.7-8.7 plane. Don’t change your words.
They are balanced against the best 9.7 meta vehicles.
2a7v and ariete are the same br as well doesnt mean they perform the same.
And do we need to explain you again how uptiers work?
The 8.7 vehicles dont matter they are just out of luck of generell compression. Same with the 9.3 ones. While they are worse then stingers, they are still very powerful. Since there are not enough spaas they need to be dealed with stingers. 9.3 is weaker then stingers. But way stronger then sth like the gepard clones
The issue is they’re not. They outperform almost all 9.7s.
Exactly, that’s another example of inbalance, akin to stingers.
No they’re not. The Gepard clones are on par with most 9.3s.
You are confirming it yourself once again.
Stop being so hypocritical.
You are confirming constantly yourself that stingers are needed against 9.7 aircraft.
They arent. Anything with rocket CCIP easily takes them out.
Its once again your random statement that they are not when they clearly arent
Yes, you are confirming that 9.7s are too weak against stingers.
They can simply stay outta view
Hypocrit. And gaslighter. You say yourself that there are 9.7 vehicles like mig21s , mig 23bn where they are completly bakanced but turn sround and ignore them.
Honestly gonna stop posting into your bait thread. Your arent achieving anything and are only a troll. Nobody is helping you in your argument cause you are wrong and nobody of gajin gonna listen to you either
LMAO calling Mig-23 and Mig-21 balanced as got to be the most goofy goober take you’ve even made.
I said that stinger vehicles are balanced against mig 21 /23 learn reading comprehension
and lav-ad better vs grount targets no? and u are uptiered in all br is sucks… soo
While he is here demanding that bombing tanks should be easier, in his other thread, he says that people should be bombing tanks less.
At every other BR, CAS has the advantage over SPAA even in an uptier (like it should), meanwhile at 9.7, SPAA has the advantage, and still costs less to spawn.
Literally nothing about this post is related to bombing tanks.