doesn’t work unless the Gepard is distracted and deaf.
They can.
If AA being able to completely nulify any attempts at CAS causes major issues.
They do though.
doesn’t work unless the Gepard is distracted and deaf.
They can.
If AA being able to completely nulify any attempts at CAS causes major issues.
They do though.
I love how everyones just screwing on pangolin cause its an obvious L take and he doesnt have any Support of at all.
Its literal just him definding his skill issue since he cant deal with spaas himself and wants to compltely screw over the ground game mode
No as cover that protects you from above is far too uncommon.
So they can still die to something they couldn’t touch.
Let’s bring those to 10.3 as well.
Besides that, his whole claim that stingers, gepards etc completly nullify cas is completly inherintly false either way.
Their is still plenty of those flying around and making kills.
Alone trough the fact that spaas aren popular but cas even more so is popular
Since you are not willing to even think about considering alternatives I cannot help you.
And since you are not really willing to listen either, here are the biggest flaws in your logic and arguments:
As I already listed before, it is not. There are lots of other aircraft, especially in the US tech-tree, which could be used in a CAS role and have decent (and big) loadouts. Most other tech trees would kill to have such variety in them. Tech trees where the F-84F is truly the only option for that BR.
This point ties in with the first one. The F-84F is on of 2 aircraft at that BR with any kind of ballistic computer. NO other aircraft has it.
Also CCRP is not as useful as you might think it is, especially in GroundRB
If you really are put on playing with a ballistic computer, for god knows what reasons, you are stuck with it. But if you do, and if you uptier that 1.3 BR over, it is your own fault and you simply have no right to complain.
You also don’t consider any form of lineup there is. Ever looked at the German tree? No 9.7 lineup.
So they are being played at 10.0 and higher already.
Furthermore, 10.3 is a black hole, everything gets sucked into it. So the BR of the Ozelot and the Gepard is practically 10.3.
So you might say now: “If they already play against them, then you could just increase their BR anyways and noone would notice”
To that I would say no and:
If the F-84F is the “only option” between 8.3 and 9.0, then you are already playing 9.0, so its BR could be increased to 9.0 and noone would notice.
Which brings us to your next big flaw:
Any vehicle is balanced against the vehicles in its BR. Not BR range, but BR.
The BRs lower are weaker, the BRs higher are stronger.
Your little aircraft is 1.3 BR lower. With a 12.0 BR range, that is a whopping 10+% power difference.
And you expect, that these two different BRs, which have naturally no way of meeting, be balanced to each other? Good idea.
You also failed to consider anything else on the battlefield other than SPAA or your F-84F.
Helicopters already outrange SPAA.
9.7 to 10.7 aircraft outrange SPAA. Especially with guided munitions, of which there are a lot.
The tanks on these BRs get better guns, better armor and better sights with better thermal vision, making your overestimated hiding so much easier (not).
Just spawn a tank bro.
That is a wildly goofy take.
There’s one other somewhat OK option, and the rest, e.g cougar or saber, are just bad.
More than just America get the F-84F
Alpha Jet
Other Alpha Jet
As listed above, that’s bs.
That’s skill issue
That argument works against your favor.
My reason is not wanting to bring WW2 aircraft up against radar SPAA and IR missiles :/
So people not playing the Ozelot at 9.7 is equal to people playing the F-84F at 8.3, and at 9.0?
I’m not following your logic here.
This is why vehicles in downtiers get higher SP cost, and vehicles in uptiers got lower SP cost.
You fail to consider that 9.7 SPAA is stronger than 8.7 CAS, whilst being a lower SP cost.
The F-84F is being forced to cover for 8.3-9.0 because there are no other options.
Helicopters are a whole other cane of beans.
Then just stay out of sight.
What if some maps dont have any cover where you can also engage enemy tanks? So you are just forced to hide all game and not play?
Its a fact.
Generaly with few exceptions spaas only get spawned after one gets killed by CAS.
Normaly they are an reaction.
While CAS start the interaction and engage first.
Not many people like to play specialised spaas because it could happen they dont have anything to do the whole game.
Ozelot has no way to defend itself as example.
Gepards being an exception as cannon spaas, but those are rarer at high top tier . With only adats having a true multi role
Not to mention that spaa rewards arent big
I could count the number of maps that don’t give SPAA adequate cover on one hand, and all those maps are garbage maps that everyone hates anyways.
In damn near every 8.3-9.3 game I play, there are multiple first-spawn SPAAs. Mainly Gepards, but SAMs are common aswell.
Geppy 1A2 is the power of two specialized SPAA combined. You can kinda make an argument for Ozelot, but Geppy 1A2 being as low as 9.7 is a load of BS.
ADATS sucks, and people spawn Pantsirs nearly every game anyways.
And those guys more often then not turn of their radars to reduce their silhouette.
They play them as pure tank destroyers and dont care about spaa duties.
I did say how there is exceptions. Still the gepard1a2 is balanced at 9.7 as well since stronger spaas like lav ad are at 10.0.
It is completly consistent to the other spaas not like you are claiming to be the opposite.
Besides that i am speaking in general sense of the game for all brs. 8.3 to 9.3 is a rare exception with everyone having capable cannon spaas.
You grieve about them but it is completly balanced since planes are faster and faster as well with jets becoming more modern.
Ccrp is not a necesarity like you claim. Its a skill issue thats a fact on your side.
You are crying about US CAS apparently veing so bad at that br.
But at the same time you talk about how alpha jets and saab are so good. And take a guess what is needed to counter them. Exactly the gepards and stinger users.
Its a single br range were US apparently isnt the best anymore. In that case the sad answer to you is that you have to suck it up and deal with it.
Other nations have more competent CAS at tjose brs where gepards and stingers are needed
Friendly reminder that adats missles got an update to 60G if i remember right last week.
Point still stands and the pantsir is just way to big and slow ro be used as an tank destroyer.
Gepard 1A2 should be at 10.3
Everyone except America . . .
going 600 instead of 400 mph with literally 0 other improvements isn’t an excuse to fight against radar SPAA.
Not sure when any1 other than you has said that. I was simply pointing out that the idea that America has the best/most CAS at that BR is a load of crap.
And not only the best, but the worst, and not just for CAS, but for SPAA aswell. Not only that, the tanks are simply average so there’s nothing to make up for the bad SPAA and CAS.
Both more competent CAS and SPAA.
Wish from your side with nothing backing it up.
M247 witz proxy ammunition is better in spaa duty then the gepard.
It is ,because radar gives the gun lead.
You cry so much about CCRP and ballistics for CAS. Why should spaas not receive the same when CAS gets access to it?
Thats where you are hallucinating nobody said they have the best CAS at that br.
But you have to understand that spaas are balanced to fight the best planes at the same br.
Which apparently you dont understand.
M247 and IMP chapparal is 9.0 as well.
They have good spaas
Stingers are so laughably easy to dodge all planes that are decently fast at that br will just destroy the gepard
It’s simply based on the vehicles around it.
Everyone claims that, then provides 0 proof, and conviently ignore the fact that M247 is bigger, slower, has literally 0 anti-tank cappability, and at a higher BR.
Exactly, radar gives gun lead (something that only makes SPAA even more braindead to play when it was already the easiest role to play, and against WW2 aircraft.
Sorry, those are your words, not mine.
The point I’m making, is that radar SPAA is going up against aircraft that DON’T have ballistics computers.
No, you’re halucinating. half the players here have tried to say “muuh America best CAS” card.
Name a single 7.7-8.7 SPAA that America has.
Not sure how this would make it worse at anti-air. And it can do anti-tank work.
Found the solution.
Sorry, but skill doesn’t effect BR.
Lav ad is simply stronger with access to thermals and hydra rockets.
Gepards multi role does not compare to it and the br increase is not warranted.
I made that giant table of evwry stimger user around that br amd the gepard 1a2 futs right into that slot. No matter what you claim.
There is no 10.3 stinger user to begin with. So your claim for 10.3 is completly false and you have nothing backing it up.
When in fact other spaas with way bigger capabilities are 10.0
The amount you see them in game is nor a balancing factor.
Oh so like you with your all your gepard and stinger claims. Convenient that it matters here but you dont do what you preach yourself.
I never claimed its equal to gepard in tank destroyer capability but it is the better spaa out of the two. Speed and size matter less there.
And proxy is a huge advantage there
Yes, again thats a br match up issue on your part. At their own br they start to meet ballistic comouter CAS that is what they are balanced again. Its all fair game.
Br match up issue and general compression not the fault of the spaas. Its how the game works.
Its a geound game mode where spaas always should have the advantage. If you have a full uptier sucks to be you. Stays true for normal tanks and ARB as well.
Im generell of the tree that is in fact true. Just not necesarily at tjis single br step.
You speak of 9.0 most of the time.
Stop laying the bar as its fit you. You are trying to change constantly what you say to have an advantage. You talked about 9.0 all the time you get 9.0.
Stop moving the goalpost.
Besides that u seem to forget m163 has a radar as well at 7.3 and it completly viable. You are moving goalposts again so it doesnt fit into your specifics.its a br gap that should be filled. But other nations shouldnt suffer under your incompetence
Meh not really. Gepard gets radar and stronger guns, and they both get the same Fim-92s.
You’re the only one here who has claimed that there’s 10.3 stingers.
What I’m saying, is that Gepard 1A2 should go to 10.3 based on the vehicles around it.
XD hypocritical.
It’s not better by much, and losing anti-tank capabilities, survivability, and speed are all massive downsides.
I’m not saying M247 is bad or overtiered, I’m saying Gepard (both normal Gepard and the 1A2) are undertiered.
No, it’s not fair because vehicles like F9F-8 and F-86 at the same BR as radar SPAA.
Cool, I’m talking about the half a dozen other players here that was claiming it.
I’ve been talking about 8.3-9.0 this whole time. stop moving goalposts
M163’s radar only works at 1 mile, and its gun sucks. It’s severely outclassed at 8.3 and 8.7.
Gepard is a 8.3 vehicle. Stingers/mystral/type 93 appear as low as 9.3. The combination doesnt make the gepard 10.3. Its the reason it is 9.7.
Ozelot has the same br because of irst and being small.
Lav ad is way stronger and has its bigger br because of the way higher tabk destroyer potential. That is the reason it is 10.0 not because of its g2a capability. For that it would most likely only be 9.7 as well.
So you still have no claims for your 10.3 claims.
Since gepard false completly in the g2a capability of other spaas of its class but is way worse in tank destroyer aspects.
Look at the table i did with comparisons. It fits right into its br. Your claims are just false and you have done kothing to prove me wrong.
Glad you see your own mistakes and your problem.
M163 at 7.3 is a way worse offender why dont i see u fighting that?
You are movinf them not me. So great m247 and chaparal count nice to know.
But its still valid and good and its gun works well. And still unfair it foghts even worse ww2 aircraft womt you say?
I dont see you arguing against it when it meets 6.3 aircraft!!! Convenient aint it.
You only doing sth when it fits your agenda