Ozelot and Gepard 1A2 should be the same BR as other vehicles with Fim-92s

Show me a clip of you bomb tossing a Gepard who’s firing at you without ballistics computers, and without dying.

Doesn’t matter if they’re dead. It’s still many times safer than being exposed with or without attacking som1.

In a tank you can do the same. The difference is it’s easier for SPAA to attack a plane, than for a tank to fight back against another tank he doesn’t see.

and the stinger carriers those arent 8.7-9.0 for a reason

nup because the stingers are balanced for the 9.3-10.0 aircraft where u see the spaas palced.
if you move the spaas up, all those aircraft would be needed to be moved up as well

Yes, and they shouldn’t be below 10.0 for the same reason.

They’re not balanced at 9.7, and yes 10.0+ aircraft should be moved up

you have yet to prove that, tell me what is cannon spaa supposed to do against sth like the hunter f.58 with mavericks if it shoots them from far away? just take it?
There is aircraft that suffer maybe, but those just arent meta and not optimal to be used, its a fact just not everything can be viable.
And there is the concept of uptiers and downtiers, ine one u gonna dominate in another you wont.
Another possible reason would be reduced br range for gameplays from 1.0 to 0.7.
But as it stands its a GROUND MODE and the gameplay still mainly caters around ground vehicles.
Aircraft arent meaned to be the main focus. I am looking forward to the implementation of heavy advanced spaa systems coming year for the exact reason as well

  1. Simply stay behind cover so he doesn’t see you
  2. Fire Stingers
  3. Shoot down the Mavericks

Warthunder is an airplane game that happens to have a mode than allows tanks.

Aircraft have always been the main focus, thus why they’re many times more detailed than tanks.

Nio need for bombs against a Gepard.

They can easily shoot back at you.

Maybe in edge cases but tank vs tank combat is much more fair than air vs tank one is.

Mavericks can lock ground and overpressure
Not all systems csn lock mavericks viably

Isnt the case since a long time.
Thats just your view which isnt true since years anymore

GRB is a mode that allows planes.
You can queue it up without any planes in your lineup, try doing that without any tanks.

@Pangolin_Fan so fair question. What you gonna do once heavy spaas get implemented in the coming year.

Aircraft get lowered to the max grb br.
Meaning heavy 12.7 spaas will meet 11.7 aircaft which will get completly destroyed no what soever. GRB is ground focused thats a fact

Stinger vehicles cannot do this.

Not much else you can do. Besides, the whole point of what I said was that you claimed that learning to bomb toss without ballistics computer isn’t hard.

No they can’t, you got the first shot.

tank v.s air is most balanced than SPAA v.s air at 8.7

Then simply move, or just don’t get seen in the first place.

Gepard 1A2 can just fine.

And this planes should be considered.

Personally, I think rank 8 planes should all be removed, along with the Pantsir, and plans for future heavy SPAAs cancelled.

I don’t really care for 11.7 anymore anyways, so there’s not much for me to do anyways.

Stingers can lock onto heat signatures just fine, infact, a little too fine. Their seeker is more sensitive than its supposed to be rn.

Yes the heat signature of the mavericks that lasts a very short amount of time, and as soon as its gone the stinger will miss. Shooting down mavericks with stingers is just not feasible in 95% of situations.

Simply fire before the engine cuts, or just don’t be seen in the first place. Ozelot is tiny afterall.

When the engine stops it will miss, so yes this is technically possible but 99% of the time the maverick will stop burning before it hits (also I dont even know if they can lock mavericks, im just assuming they can).

Yes this is what to do, I was just arguing against you saying to just shoot it down because 95% of the time it wont be possible.

Sorry, but that’s just skill issue on your end.

I think we found the answer to your problem.


Or Mantis 2.0.

Actually starting to suspect he might be an alt acc lol

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It isn’t.
Not all targets will be Gepards.

Not as tanks can’t do anything to planes.

They are.

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Gepards, and the Gepard clones, are going to be found every match, and thus you need something to deal with them.

Tanks can simply hide, and there’s going to be SPAA protecting you almost every game. Even if there somehow isn’t SPAA, you can just spawn a tank with an autcannon, e.g MBT/KPZ-70, Btr 80, M3 Bradley, Marder, etc.

You have cannons.

Tanks can’t simply hide from air units and plenty of AAs won’t be able to protect you enough.

Let’s not pretend those will outrange your aircraft.