Over heating jet engines and engine degradation at 100% throttle

Throttling back when you dont have to is obviously not ideal. But thats not the question, the question is to anyone with knowledge on the issue is if this is normal and should be happening. Also, the effect it has on flight time is significant for some aircraft in RB and Sim.

The main aircraft I have issues with engines temps in is the Harriers. Especially the sea harrier. Whilst yes, throttling down does help, you have to actively and constantly manage your temps in a fight. Often fighting at 85% throttle and not 100% (and only briefly using 110%)

If something could be overhauled, then it would be a notable buff for a lot of aircraft

the sea harrier is going to need a lot more work than just fixing engine temps. The flight model is just so bad. You don’t pull anything at all, you lose all your speed regardless if you use vetol or not. When I asked someone about flying the sea harriers they just said if you want to fly out any of the short wing harriers you gotta just lay low, send off the missiles and RTB

Yeah, I don’t think something is right with them at all. (Though it’s apparently nearly perfectly modeled, except having too much thrust) Especially when you find out that sea harrier FRS1 actually beat F5Es in 1v1 combat rather easily and even beat F15As in 2v2 combat fairly consistantly

the harriers engines burn out if you go above 91% throttle, its not right but normal in game

If you hold primary information proving them wrong you might be able to challenge that by putting up a BUG report. something like " Harrier engine should not overheat as they do in game". It would benefit all of us…though to be honest the harriers probably be just as bad.

i dont have any information on the harriers to prove that its wrong but I very much doubt such an issue wouldn’t have been rectified while it was being developed at Dunsfold Aerodrome, or at least in later marks like the ones used in the Falklands or the American exports

Maybe one day a flight manual get declassified or something. Most manuals detail how much time you can spend pushing war emergency power. Most manuals would also state the max continuous setting sooooo maybe ?

not for several years is it likely, gaijin doesn’t respond to declassified documents or actual photographs of equipment a lot of the time either

Gunjob has one in the for the Mk106 on the FA2. Shouldnt cook itself quite as quickly as it does currently. But the others I dont know. I do have one in for the sooty exhaust though, that is totally wrong.

They might have the manuals over in:

They should overheat as they do. The behaviour is correct. Only the 106 on the FA.2 was wrong. Remember throttle and engine RPM aren’t 1:1. Maximum continuous RPM for most Pegadus engines is around 80% throttle in game. 90% throttle is the maximum power setting, after that it’s on the more limited time settings for takeoff and landing.


A lot of the times the US pilots have scenarios where their hands are metaphorically tied behind their back, which gives them better training and increases their allies morals by not just stomping them in war games. F-15A is completely superior to the harrier, and the harriers are strike aircraft no air superiority.

In this instance. F15As were not handicapped in any respect…in fact the sea harrier was. They didn’t even have their radar or proper HUDs installed yet

Go read “Sea harrier over the Falklands”

Was it WVR? Because then they were flying the F-15 wrong

No, This was 1980 ish so AMRAAM wasnt even cloes to in-service. But the Sea Harriers denied Aim-7 shots and then the fight went WVR

Damn, just to clear these were US pilots right? Or those SHar pilots were just that good/had some advantageous situation energy or weapon wise

Yep. They were some of the best, and most experienced SHar pilots, with years of experiences in other types.

You want Page 52. But chapter 6 is a good read (starts at page 44) Sea Harrier Over the Falklands - Commander 'Sharkey' Ward, DSC, AFC, RN - Google Libri

Damn that looks like a good read

Thank you!!!