Option to lower the engine volume

remove the option to lower the volume of the engine itself, I hate having to do this so as not to be at a disadvantage because I like the developer’s work in improving the audio quality, but this option sucks… make some positive change gaijim

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you want a useful option to be removed because people that don’t utilise the option are putting themselves at a disadvantage?? I don’t understand why you are against it


I don’t consider it a useful option, it’s only useful for creating advantages and listening to nearby tanks, or at least taking it out of realistic mode.


I too dislike it, for fact of it being an advantage IF you know about it, no matter how ‘low’ the volume can be restricted to, it makes an advantage.

Some tanks are obnoxiously loud and ugly sounding to the player and is very valuable as ground battles are 30% map knowledge, 10% skill, 10% visual awareness and 50% audio awareness for most.

it’s even more valuable just as an accessibility setting to me as I’m colourblind. seeing tanks can be incredibly difficult due to the lighting or maps colour palette so audio clues are the only way I stand a chance a lot of the time

If you don’t like that then don’t use it, but taking out an audio option like that would kneecap my ability in the game

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I dont have anything against people using the same settings as me no matter their optical ability. you don’t need to be hostile towards a valuable accessibility setting because others reap its rewards too.

Do you also want controller support gone because some people are better on controller, even though controller support opens the door to literally everyone being able to play and enjoy.

If you don’t like people having differing settings, YOU go make a set settings league. because I’m not playing in the thunder leagues and you certainly arent either


The issue is that there aren’t enough disabled people to fill up a queue, so you’re literally segregating them for their disability lol.

Personally? Some tanks like the Abrams are incredibly loud and drown out absolutely everything you can hear meanwhile some tanks don’t have this issue, so the option to lower the volume should exist regardless.

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  1. Wrong , the volume of the m1 is byproduct of the turbineengine and should be forced on every one useing the tank. Its one of its quirks. Personal prefernce has nothing to do with it. You cant switch cockpits because you dont like them in airplanes so shouldnt remove a tanks or vehciles quirks because you dont like them.
  2. Yes I want a segregated que as you have segrated games in spoprts fro peole with disablitys. Simply for fair play reasons.

I want it gone because you get a build in aimbot as it in consoles. remove the aimbot from controllers and consloes and they can stay.

Diabilitys or not they aids get exploitet and if there is not enougth people filling a que then it wont hurt them not havinga round when majority is not getting exploitet by it.

Gajin has the option to lock those sttings behind a ID requirment, you cant park a diasblity parking space without a legal approval so you should use those settings without it.

Fairplay > Then fake inculsivty that gets exploitet.

the engine sound that the T34 used is deafening imagine having to have that on full blast

Sound like a you problem.

The M18 is also loud as compared to others, but in the same situation, you also have those same tanks around you as allies, but hearing things through walls and being able to figure out where someone is because of thier engines being louder, is a distinct advantage.

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youre the only one with a problem here mate. just enjoy le funi tonk gam.

Ive never heard an M18 but ive been to tankfest so heard how loud some tanks are, several years ago I even got to drive an M36 jackson and they are so much louder than how their audio is scaled in game.
I doubt this would be as much of an issue if tank engine sounds were closer to how they actually are, especially the tracks, tank tracks are so so loud even on mud, and its worse on the non rubber pad tracks.
if everything sounded more like it does then the advantage of turning your engine down would be negated almost entirely

All it does is make it so I have to use less of my brain to filter out my own engine.
I already don’t hear my engine with it at 27 cause it’s 100% filtered out.
I can do the same with it at 100% cause I can filter out aircraft engines as well which are louder.

All 27% does is make it so I can play the game longer, otherwise I’d just stop playing when I get exhausted faster.

All your idea would do is make it so players like me get more frags as the average player that can’t filter out 100% but can 27% will do far worse.

That goes as a response to this statement as well:

Lowering engine volume is fine(ish). Lowering your own separately is not. It’s atrocious and has no business existing in a PvP(!) game.



Return old sounds ,realistic ones in which russian tanks can be heard from miles away

Return old sound of T 80 -Abrumz

Reintroduce old sound of engine start …

Yes, I can do it too, but this gives advantages to bad drivers… in realistic mode many things could be disabled, like this issue of sound and also of grass, and aim…

27% is fine, especially for those that need it lower due to hearing damage.

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lol a fountain of empathy

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