thats a nice question, maye M50, M56 and these could not be included and leave the heavy USA tanks to face the heavy german ones like a guy said before.
idk what you tried to compare here, they are not even sharing brs or finding each other on battle
I’ve played since February 2013 and in my opinion, though it may be considered radical, Ground was doomed in 1.51 when they added the Leopard 1 and M60 to the game since this made the addition of CHEATFS basically inevitable, and ATGMs were the last nail in the coffin. I’m a primarily air player since that’s what I got the game for to begin with so I was able to scrape by until they added supersonics and from that, inevitably guided missiles, which both permanently destroyed the old top-tier jet ecosystem. Proliferation of increasingly modern supersonics jets also means that most players in the WW2 era BR brackets have no interest in WW2 vehicles and are only playing to grind for modern supersonics, which has sent the quality/skill average of prop matches through the floor.
It is highly noteworthy that Gaijin’s policy back in the day was that they would never add guided missiles, or supersonics jets, or top tier premiums to the game. They had good reasons for this which many in the community agreed with. People who suggested adding the A-10 on the forums were laughed out of the room. Cutoff date used to be 1953. Most players don’t remember this.
If you choose to activly put it in a higher BR bracket by putting it in a 6.7 lineup, yes.
But if you don’t, then no.
Stupid argument as the Sturmtiger is 5.7 and thr Phz 2000 is 7.7
They aren’t in the same br range so difference in capabilities is to be expected. The only solution to this problem is for you to stop comparing their qualities.
Well it was a resounding failure in that regard, considering the prototype Coelian was replaced with the prototype Ostwind II, and the huge BR jump in the medium and heavy lines. The KT 105 and Panther II as represented in game are complete never-built fantasies so their removal is more justified, but as it stands today no vehicles fill the BR gap they left behind, especially in the Panther-Leopard 2.0 BR jump.
you have the point there with the sturmtiger, my bad. i forgot i had my sturmtiger on a 6.7 lineup. Still sucks since my 6.7 are all WW2 (JagdTiger, Tiger II, Panther, Me262) vehicles and you will still find modern vehicles kinda ruinning the experience and immersion