“Oh but the queue times this and that” nah, it would be cool if we could decide if we want to play with only ww2 vehicles and having long queue times just to have a better tank experience.
i enjoy playing Sturmtiger but it sucks when i see a modern tanks out there, like the PzH 2000(i love it, dont get me wrong, but sucks watching ww2 vehicles getting mixed) with autoloader and rangefinder meanwhile me, on my sturmtiger we cant even get precise ranges. sometimes if the enemy is at 780m the rangefinder will tell you 700m making you miss and wait 40secs to reload. Meanwhile more modern vehicles will go boom boom.
I dont find this option that hard to do and implement, just need to create an option where makes a list of moderns vehicles non-playable and thats it.
at the same time Gaijin could see which mode is more played(Mixed or WW2 Only) and preffered by the community at these BRs and make decisions based on that.
It doesnt hurt anyone and its easy to implement.
I get how the idea is appealing but it’s still not clear cut. How do you define the cutoff? If it’s all vehicles that were made before its end then the Maus becomes a huge hurdle. And also a lack of post ww2 vehicles at low brs which is difficult for the matchmaker.
Sturmtiger doesn’t face any laser range finders closest is the German Wiesel 1.6 off. Also it doesn’t struggle.
I’d like to see a WW2 option as well; frankly that IS the reason why I play the game. However, in my roughly one year of playing this game, the WW2 option won’t happen, because:
Gaijin is a profit-based company and won’t profit from WW2 since basically most vehicles ( a few exceptions) of that era aren’t sexy/attractive enough to sell on the marketplace,
WW2 era gameplay is mostly favored by older generational types who aren’t in favor of the younger generational types who want the modern, shiny, missiley stuff,
War Thunder is an air combat game, primarily fighter combat, with all other vehicles thrown in as targets for the non-altitude-challenged players - the proof of this is the elitist, prima donna “gg” vocalizations of CAS proponents. Don’t get me wrong, if you want to play an air combat game there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, but show me options to play PvP ground only vice P2P air only and the difference is plain.
I’d love to see WW2 options but I have no expectations of that happening.
This topic is nearly always brought up with German examples as the wunderwaffe aren’t so wonderful facing HeatFS and Cold War stuff.
The reality is that these vehicles get all the positives of their designs with few of their real life drawbacks. Which makes it a far less fair battle than it would have been in ww2 with similar tanks.
He’s not asking for pure historical matchmaking, just “WW2 only”, in which case the US would have M26 Pershing, T26E1, T26E5, T34, T29, T30 etc to face Tiger II, Jadgtiger and Sturmtiger. Maus is an odd one out and was removed from the tech tree for this reason of being too strong against WW2 tanks and too weak against cold war vehicles, like the M3 Bradley with TOWs that it has to face.
To be honest i have no idea if the M50, M56 and these vehicles with HEAT-FS are from cold war but i wouldnt remove them from the ideal “WW2 Mode” since the difference from ww2 ones isnt that much, and if they are from ww2 they are very capable of killing any german ww2 tanks, idk i just dont want to see highly modern tanks doing better job than my old ww2 tank which i love (again the example of Sturmtiger and PzH 2000, both germans)