Opinions about this agm

For me this missile should disintegrate the tank until the last drop of vodka. But I really wanted to know the opinion of other players.


You can consider yourself lucky that it even damaged the barrel. I have had hits like that with Nords on weaker tanks that got soaked up entirely by the commander’s mg…

Under no circumstance should any tank be able to eat a full blown bunker busting missile like the AS.30L.

That’s just a consequence of strange interactions between multi layer armor, ERA and volumetric.


really, it’s just 100kg of TNT hitting the tank from top to bottom at approximately Mach 1.

100kg in a SAP warhead (not modeled). Such is the norm with the snail.


Sometimes this happens to most bombs/missiles. I had a 1000kg bomb land directly on my maus and only damage an optic.

Im not sure the exactly reason behind it but i would like to see it happen less often.

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There’s a bug with directly hitting MBT’s with bombs/AGMs, happens fairly regularly with every mbt.

Instead, you want to hit the ground right next to them.


Yep that suck, but maybe the client replay show a good hit point (your side) but the server got a miss (with fragmentation destroying the parts showed on the killcam)

A question, why your laser not following your aim? It is very strange in your clip.

On my side, laser on is under the crosshair and can be lock-on only with camera stabilisation…?

it folow. This is following, you just have to see the laser ball of laser getting above the tank. The War Thunder replay is bugged, during the match the camera got stuck on the tank, as it should normally be.

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