Opinion: Put M1A1 and IPM1 To 10.3

After playing with the M1A1 and IPM1 for 5 battles, I’m now of the opinion that these are overtiered.

Your eyes don’t deceive you. That’s a DM23 120mm round from a 10.3 Leopard 2 premium, somehow ricocheting under my turret ring and thus offing my entire turret crew, from a defilade position.

A few seconds later, a JM33 from a TKX(P)

(Note that I shot and fired as well with a 120 sabot at this machine’s front hull and did not penetrate)

Evidence above.

These enemy rounds are supposedly 10.3 rating.

The same can be said also for the Object 292, a 10.3 USSR tank, and a 152mm gun.

The same can also be said of the 3BM42 round which can somehow penetrate the cheeks of a M1A1 on a 120S chassis.

Yet within the 10.3 range, US mains have access only to the M1 Abrams, with a 105mm gun, and at best, the M774 round, with almost half the penetration power of the 120.

Given the evidence, why are the M1A1 and IPM1 (misnomered) given the 11.0 battle rating, when the German, USSR/Russian, Chinese, and Swedish tech trees all have 120mm or 125mm guns at 9.3 or above, and the American line only unlocks it with the 120S (a soft target) at 10.0, and anything above must be kept at 11.0?


Aight so can we get Leclercs at 10.3?

I assume this is bait, but it is just as plausibly not.


bait used to be funny


You’re arguing against visual evidence that DM23 penetrates the front turret of an M1A1?

You mean the known weakpoint of the turret ring?

But if we’re using this as an argument, ww2 tanks can pen the Leclercs and Ariete frontally without aiming for weakpoints so Leclerc and Ariete 6.7 material.


Said round penetrated front of turret, then turned 45 degrees INTO the crew compartment.

Again, 120s available to 10.3, not for US tree, except for 120S.

If you’ve nothing further to contribute, leave.

the ariete AMV with this reasoning should be 5.7


Not here to discuss that, here to point out BRs for 120mm main guns in 4 major nations, versus US. Stay on topic or make your own for Ariete.

i agree they should be 10.3

at the same time as 2a7v as they can be 1 shotted by m774 from the front

also bvm, can be 1 shotted by m774 from the front

strv 122

challly 2 too

and hell ,why stop with m1a1 and ipm1, we should put m1a2 sep to 10.3 too as it also can be 1 shotted from the front by m774


Again, this is about 120s available to lower BRs in four major nations at lower BRs than US, except for a single vehicle.

Utilizing armor penetration from your own computer with perfect stationary targets and no latency is not proof.

Sure. Take away the reload buff and move them down.

And fix the turret ring.

And an Leopard 2A7V at 9.7 xD
How about Ariete at reserve


Feels like the forums are just endless bait spam posts these days, sadly.

Stuff like this post, also that other dude who makes a bait question post almost every day, etc.


Again, this is about access to 120mm guns at 10.3. See yourself out if you have no reasonable response as to why.

Feels more like baiters don’t like having facts put in their face that don’t fit their desires.

You’re going to deny gameplay and observations from someone who has played all of the above lines through?

You’ve played 5 matches in them, lmao

After playing with the M1A1 and IPM1 for 5 battles

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Well shit, 5 battles? That’s 4 too many. You could have made this post even earlier. You waited too long to form an opinion


I love when someone decides to go off a single comment.

Sit down, baiter.