I’ve been spading the German BMP-1 recently and find it to be quite underwhelming. The gun fires low velocity heat rounds that don’t do a whole lot of damage. The ATGM’s it gets are alright, but they lunge toward the ground uncontrollably after you fire limiting the terrain you can use them on. It also only gets 4 of them. It has little gun depression meaning many amazing positions are off limits. It’s at 8.0 where there are many full upteirs. Its speed is nice but most vehicles at that BR are as fast or faster than it. Curious to see peoples opinions.
Compared to other nations ’ IFVs, its just difficult to use. It’s 8.0 when the Marder is 7.7. I had it and I found it useful to camp with or snipe with the ATGM. It’s very mediocre
Hence why I think the BMP-1s should all get moved down to 7.7. Not really sure why Gaijin thought they needed to go from 7.3 all the way to 8.0 tbh.
I only wish it has a little bit more gun depression, you can utilize the low velocity of shell by lobbing them over the cover to the enemy without exposing your vehicle hitbox, you just need keep your distance and use your binoculars to align the barrel on the target, then shoot. The ATGM from BMP does feel like they are drunkard and make British Milan the teetotalers.
I agree. At 7.3 this was playable. At 8.0 it doesn’t make it into my set and goes unused.
In my opnion the BMP-1 is a double-edged sword. In one hand you got a highly mobile vehicle housing decent weapons but placed in a complicated battle rating, which can lead to simply facing chemical protected vehicles (considering all the weapons and ammunition the BMP-1 has is chemical) but at the same time a very potent vehicle at lower tiers, which simply needs to point and shoot since the HEAT grenade is very efficient.
Try using the 7.7 Marder, I dare you. That thing is nearly useless compared to the 8.0 one, because the HVAP belt is complete dogshit at taking out even lightly armored vehicles, because Gaijin hates HVAP belts alot. Its hull is also as big as a bus and it’s also not that mobile. Meanwhile the BMP-1 has a flatter hull, an autoloaded HEAT launcher and eventually a pretty good missle that you just have to learn how to use (aim upwards when firing then you can correct the missle).
I spaded the Marder A1- before the BMP and I completely agree it is far worse than the BMP. This does not put a halo over the BMP though
I agree, in downteirs it is playable.
You have overpowered pzh at that tier, just play with the better vehicle.
That’s a valid comment for nation balancing, but this post is about the BMP-1, not Germany as a whole at 8.0.
To add my opinion, I have (and have used) the Soviet BMP-1 at 8.0, quite disappointing.
Yeah, it was at the tech tree road but now its inside the marder, so theres no reason to play it in my opinion. I’ve played it with marder1 and it was good enough for the tier. I think its better to use marder over the bmp1.
True, BMP-1 is almost always a free kill. just use the the marder 1a3 if you wanna play IFV’s that bad
This thing is nice, I really like it. In comparison with Marder A1- it feels as much better choice. However It’s a bit overrated in BR - 7.7 or even 7.3 would be a nice spot for it. A
I am spading the BMP and already have the pzh spaded
I agree it is far better than the Marder A1- but still underwhelming. Certainly not the worst vehicle
My goal is not to play the best vehicles, but to play and experience all of the vehicles the game has to offer.
Play the Marder and you’ll understand why it’s 7.7. A gun that’s mostly useless against anything except low flying aircraft, and a mediocre ATGM you only get four of.
sounds better than the BMP-1 at 8.0 ngl