One Spawn Quitters

Fairly certain its the same amount of reward you get for a kill, Thats about 10-15k in a premium too. Should be at least double what it is currently I reckon

Don’t think a kill is anywhere near that, a kill is like 1-5k.

I think you are mostly right, the reward multiplier means that a kill is about 7k in the Chally DS. But a kill in the G-Lynx is more like 12k as it has a much higher reward multiplier and that is where my confusion is from. Still… considering how dangerous bases can be, only maybe double the reward from a kill is prehaps a little too low, especially with the shared cap thing you mentioned

Yeah it’s a weird choice to reduce your rewards for being a team player, whenever I play a fast vehicle I always wait at the first cap, it’s still worth it for getting people SP but I knowingly give up like 15k SL for it as well to do so, and I’m sure some people would rather take the SL.

It’s not surprising Gaijin makes these decisions that are not beneficial to gameplay, just disappointing as usual.

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Yeah, just had a map with one of those easy first cap, got 1.5k for it. so about 1/5th a kill.

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I do ODL in high tier when I’m playing Britain in high tier on prime time American servers, people in general on American servers are much more skilled and as such will abuse every nook and cranny of this game to its absolute limit. USA teams which I’m often pared with and anyone else get absolutely slaughtered on the daily to the point it isn’t even fun anymore, often I’m one of the few remaining but only 2 or 3 guys can do so much


But You’re the one who dismissed them earlier.

Rude. They are players too.
All of them gathered to, supposedly, have a good time. Not for masochism seance.


I think there should be some -20k credit penalty for disconnecting a battle prior all spawn-able tanks are spent.

It seems that roughly BR 8.0 and afterwards every battle is effectively won/lost after 1min, usually depending on which side suffers the first casualties. 50% of “first casuality” team disconnects after 1st death. This happens as early as after 1min and at a situation where it is nowhere near clear which side is winning.

Surely one might say that if everyone has done their best, but at some point a battle looks like red team has all flags and proceeds to spawn camping then fine, makes no difference to the outcome if players leave “early”.

But this thing where someone is rushing a flag during start, gets killed just before entering cap area and then just exits the whole battle is the plague of this game at the moment. I hope someone does something about it. Makes the whole battles pointless. You could have some deathmatch -gamemode with one tank multiple spawning etc.

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At lower tiers this happens much more rarely in my anecdotal observation. I’m not sure what that means, beyond the obvious economy considerations.

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What game are you playing because all tiers one death leaving is an issue.

Stop crying about 1DL when this game does not want you to spawn more than 1 time…
It is so dumb that you moan about 1dl when half of you dont even care about teammates and I bet half of you wont even stop to help repair when you someone to kill.
Maps sucks 10sec into the game and already shooting into enemy spawn, first spawn helis that either kill you or criple you.
Only reason why you are crying about it is that you lost a game but if you would have won than there is other story and you wont care…
Gamemodes are trash, especialy the ones with 1cap.
Just make this game like a rush in BF so if you lose caps and spawn move back so you have a chance to high back rather than driving into enemy crosshairs that are waiting near your spawn

BTW to all of you saying “they should be banned or leave the game” if you dont like it mb you should quit it huh?


The economy doesn’t suck anymore but the economics was one aspect of 1DL.

FNGs being able to credit card their way into high/top tier.
The maps are still absolute trash.
The modes still range from boring to trash.
Russian Bias still exists in full while every other nation is cucked to varying degrees.

I used be like you guys early on playing WT; 1DLs were cringe to me. In recent years as I’ve come to fully realize and understand just how flawed WT is as a game, I don’t blame them and even am often a 1DL.

Gaijin has alot of work to do to make 1DL go the way of the dinosaur, however penalizing the playerbase that engages in it will never be a viable option. All that will do instead is cause the death of the game itself.


I also dont like when people on my team play in ways that I think will harm our chances of winning but I dont think that they should be crew locked or banned for it.

If they’re not going to play the game, and not throw in the towel in the first 5 minutes of a 25 minute match, then I think we’d be better off without them…

You know, there is one point where you have to admit the negativity and whinge, and dismissal of the points, that they’re NOT psychic, and they DON’T KNOW what’s going to happen, or how the team will come through, so they can take a big old hike because they were bailing out of the match anyway.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable, to expect my teammates to actually try and play the game itself, let alone the objective or the match in the slightest…

I’m not being harsh, I just don’t see why they should literally keep playing if they’re going to leave matches they don’t like, just on the premise that they ‘don’t like it’… What about rewarding those of us who DON’T pick and choose?

After all, that’s what the thread is really about… Why should WE have to put up with YOUR decision to leave, at the instant that it gets hard for you, without care for the rest of everyone else, because YOU THINK that you’re ‘special’ or some junk… (You’re literally just being a bad player. Like a guy who gets to the game, and gets to the sideline, then throws the towel in…)

Absolute nonsense… There’s only ONE mode that does one spawn, and that is Air RB…

If they sell singular premiums, if they allow 1 vehicle lineups, if they exclude 1 vehicle lineups from crew lock and it’s the most profitable, how does the game not want you to do it?


Yeah? Ok than play on big poland map and try to leave spawn when your team is loosing


Errr, I do all the time… Like, I don’t think people understand that I take spawncamping on the chin and I FIGHT my way out not huddle up in the fetal position and J out like some timid dolts here…

You can also select the other spawn.

So many things to do but all you want to do is say that’s it’s worthless…

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You forget that there are positives to them leaving - they won’t be targets for enemy and otherwise drain points, there are more enemies for the remaining folks to destroy and thus, earn credits and RP.
Not everything is so black and white.

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This is a perfect example of why the crew lockout is terrible. I was just in a match where we lost our entire team on one death. Why bother sticking around to this? But if you quit, you get locked out… the entire thing is stupid.