One and Dones

Made a support ticket regarding this but was told to post on the forum instead.

Majority of my matches I play in ground I’m paired with one and dones regardless of what country they play. If I’m playing with US I get the one and dones. However whenever I do play against US I’m playing against players who have a full lineup.

Why am I consistently getting paired with players who only have one vehicle in their lineup whereas I have 7-8 vehicles in mine incl. people in my squad having full lineups?

It just sucks consistently being the only players on the team that have more than one vehicle.

I have more respect for players that die more than 2 times without a kill than the one and dones who get no kills.

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I don’t really know why you’d submit a ticket for this, also PLEASE use one of the already active threads, we don’t need more ODL threads.


Confirmation bias+you’re playing premium infested BRs.

My view on that is, is that if you aren’t going to do anything, just leave. I’d rather have someone go 0/1 than 0/3 or 1/4. At that point, they’re just feeding the enemy SP.

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How can you call it confirmation bias when the data is literally there to prove that 97% of my matches are with teammates who only have one vehicle.

Confirmation bias would be that its only US players that are one and dones but as I stated in my OP that it doesn’t matter what nation I play with. When I’m playing against these nations I’m playing against players who have 2A7s, BVMs, SEPV2s etc. spawning in multiple times.

There’s a difference between not doing anything vs trying to do something but you’re just not good at the game.

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Made a ticket to get more insight on how matchmaking actually works so I didn’t have to make a thread on the forum.

I don’t visit the forums often so I’m not gonna go and search to see what threads have been made. You can go ahead and send in a ticket telling the support team to stop sending people to the forums to answer questions they can’t answer themselves.

i think he is saying need a lineup matchmakers. which is fhe two side both have same amount of things in their lineup

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