Ok Move the 2S38 Up and HSTVL Down

Many such cases.

Doesnt the OTOMATIC have limited APFSDS, though?

Yes, it only gets 12.

Meanwhile, the 2S38 gets nearly 150, and it doesn’t even have a ready rack.

Tbh imo the OTOMATIC should be lower unless it gets its unlimited APFSDS. Then they can be about the same BR.

It should have access to at least 38, the bug report afaik has been acknowledged (and submitted as a suggestion) for months now.


One is a light tank with AA capability and the other is an AA with anti tank capability

Both are SPAA with anti-tank capabilities.


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Which doesn’t matter much for tanks. Tanks don’t eat up ammo like aircraft do.
RDFLT is also notably faster than 2S38.
HSTVL also has a remote turret, only the commander is in the turret for observation reasons IRL.

except its a LOT better than the STRF9040C 😭

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It does matter. Especially the amount ready rack.

2S38 is 6km/h faster than RDF/LT, so you are wrong.

Remote turret yes, but no crewless turret. Another advantage for the 2S38.

The RDF/LT and 2S38 are very similar,. The 2S38 is more versatile than the RDF/LT. He got more ammo types and better elevation against air threats.
We could argue about a small BR difference between these 2 vehicles, but 1.3 BR is way too high!

RDFLT is vastly superior to 2S38. 2S38 is only really similar to Begleitpanzer and Strf 9040C, though Begleit uses a vastly inferior round hence the BR difference.

Versatility in munition doesn’t matter in ground RB, all that matters is peak ammo performance.

I get you want to lobby for the 2S38, but it’s objectively inferior in munition, optics, and mobility. 2S38’s one advantage is thermal generation.
26 rounds is 10 ground kills. 60 rounds is 25 ground kills.
You’re not getting 10 ground kills in an HSTVL or 2S38 for that matter in 99% of matches.

HSTV-L is an OP mess right now, takes apart every tank is super low profile and while it has small darts they spall pretty well. and it can somehow take 120mm darts and not always die…

Honestly fed up these paper (we built one tested it, it was crap didn’t bother building it tanks in game that perform so well!)

If you think CV9040C are same level as 2S38 i guess you should stop really
It don’t make you look smart I don’t know about HSTV-L but CV9040 definitely not 2S38 level and shouldn’t sit at same BR

2S38 gets for the less penetration almost double the fire rate.
Optics wins 2S38 very clear, better zoom and a commander sight (RFD/LT does not have it) with thermal.
At the Mobility the 2S38 has a better forward and reverse top speed but the acceleration is slighty worse.
Interesting fact, the 2S38 gets a visibilty of 78% while the RDF/LT has 88%.

All in all both tanks are very similar and there is no reason that they are 1.3 Br apart. One of these 2 tanks are on the wrong spot.

2S38 is not an aircraft firing at aircraft damage models, it’s a light tank firing primarily at tanks. Fire rate at that fast of speed DOES NOT MATTER. You are more limited by the lack of visibility between shots than you are by the fire rate itself.

2S38 has a worse power to weight ratio than RDFLT, which is provable by math and testing.

Being able to shoot the enemy more does matter.

If one shot doesn’t work out, you can shoot again right away, instead of waiting 1.5 seconds.

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True, the 2S38 is not an aircraft. Nice that for pointing that out.

I’m baffled by these responses. Attack speed is quite literally everything. The Japanese tanks are dominating because of their attack speed, the 2S38 or Gepard dont need to aim as their attack speed more than makes up for anything. I’m sorry if you died to an extremely skilled HSTVL player who can not only put a shot on target but place it exactly where it needs to kill the tank due to the pathetic spalling. As it stands, the hstvl is still due for numerous buffs to the shell.

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Another post defending the 2S38.

Your post comparing Gepard to HSTVL is hilarious.
As for HSTVL new rounds that would make it 12.3+… not needed.

Who cares if 2S38 and HSTVL don’t have much spalling? Relying on spalling isn’t what anyone should do.
HSTVL spalling double that of 2S38 isn’t what makes HSTVL vastly superior.