OI tank should be added

Huh? Not once did I imply that you believed the O-I to be fake.

Literally all I said was that provided you believed in the existence of a functional O-I prototype via text-based sources, then the same would apply to the Ho-Ri prototypes which have similar non-photographic documentation backing them up.


We wouldn’t have photographic evidence cause they got destroyed during the Tokyo fire raids/fire bombings, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that most certainly wiped a ton, and when Japan was preparing for the possible Operation Downfall, tons got burnt. Since they were not aware that the plan had been canceled and it was more of a precaution.

I also do believe that the O-I was functional cause there were possible reports that it failed during its test and got slightly bogged down due to being too heavy. Also, the way you formatted your comments did not make it that obvious.

Even tho the real Ho-Ri, O-I, 44M, kranvagn and other tanks would perfectly fit in War Thunder, we will probably need to wait a decade(s) for them to come because war thunder’s recent updates contain 99% of MBTs and jets and only a 1% of WW2 stuff (like the KV-7 in upcoming update and KV-1 1942 in the dance of dragons). So if Gaijin keeps doing this we will probably have to forget about the cool stuff we’ve been waiting for a long time.


Yes, all I am saying is that the claims of 5 prototype Ho-Ri hulls isn’t a Wargaming lie nor one from Mai_Waffentrager, but rather a truth that various documents can justify.

I figure that if you can see from similar fragmented documentation that there was an O-I prototype that existed (which you, me, and most others in this thread clearly do), then it can’t be hard to believe that there were also 5 Ho-Ri prototypes from similar documents (that I have proven to exist).

And sorry if you find my formatting a bit confusing, I guess I just enjoy writing more formally sometimes.


Ding ding guys don’t let the O-I thread die!


I am getting brain rot from all the modern boring trash being added every update. The OI would be great to have, over any of those vehicles.


Same here, I have around 2,600 hours so far and am only just about to research my first rank VI tank. I have everything up to rank IV unlocked for every nation in ground and most of rank V as well, which is where my time has been invested.

Some of my friends find my methods to be odd and unfocused, but in reality I just have no interest in anything above rank VI, doctrines begin to standardize and everything ends up with the same set of features for the most part; any missing features are immediate downgrades that struggle to be compensated by a boost in other stats.


I barely even play top tier. Just no enjoyment whatsoever.


If war thunder doesn’t get more than at least 4 WW2 tanks per update, I and 70% of WT playerbase are going insane


Straightjacket it is then


The only reason I play top tier is because I got Leopard 2AV from a crate, but even then I still rarely play top tier. I have rank 4-5 on almost every nation and I play rank 2-5.


This aged like fine wine

The SLA. 16 is real but was never tested in a tiger 2 it was jagtiger tank that tested it

Even on the ongoing Japan event, Gaijin STILL did NOT add the O-I. Instead they added a body pillow, a decal and a discount for type 90 Fuji so the level 2s go to top tier, get killed, leave and the whole team looses. Gaijin is doing everything but trying to expand the Japanese tech tree.

a black and white drawing of a man kicking a person

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Yeah it suck. From ww2 game it became MBT sim.

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I don’t have a problem with mbts honestly a lot, I also play top tier. However gaijin keeps adding zero-ish ww2 tanks (or most of them are just already in-game existing tanks in a different tech tree) and also adds more and more top tier premiums so toptier becomes unplayable with level 5 players which leave after a single death and then your whole team is gone.
All we want is the O-I to finally get added into War Thunder and yet Gaijin doesn’t give us any signs of it coming or just refuses to add it for some reason.
Also from my experience with the KV-7, the 3 cannons come in handy when disabling more armored targets or damaging/killing more people in a quick time.
So I imagine that it will be similar with the O-I, which has a 150mm cannon with a HE shell which has 7ish or 6ish kilogrammes of explosive filler which is around 61mm of pen, also count the fact that overpressure on game exists and that it’s very fun. It also comes with 2 turrets which have 47mm cannons with an aphe hell with 72~mm of pen (if didn’t confuse a cannon with another one). Not to mention the tank has trolly turret armor and 150mm front, although it’s upper front plate is almost flat, you can still angle the tank giving you a lot more armor and the 70mm on the sides help with it.
The tank overall is deffinetly fun and worth adding in the game, I don’t know why Gaijin hasn’t done it yet. It’s basically a KV-2 with way more armor, survivability and armament, and of course, it’s Japanese. It’s a perfect meme tank for Japan.

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what does the “100t” and “90t” mean btw?
also im in complete favor for the addition of the O-I, partically built prototypes are in warthunder like the E-100

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peak japanese military furry femboy mascot bodypillow (with boobs) moment of all time

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