Off-topic/General chat for Britain

in what way?

stats are same.

Just acceleration and top speed im guessing?

And you still don’t have a good 11.3 line-up. 2 meh tanks and that’s all. While +0.3 bring you fine mbt, great heli and insane cas. Why would you play 11.3 like a peasant when you can play 11.7 or 10.3 like a king? And 11.3 doesn’t give any bonuses for grind because 10.3 line-up is 7th rank too.

Just because they are not spaded, thats it.
I will obv also play 11.7 when i get the black knight.

10.3 is all spaded apart the bhishma and the stormer.

In any case, i just feel like I am always on the tail end of most engagements where either friendlies ahead of me clear up before i get there or my team gets wiped and the enemy team pushes forward onto me catching up.

I often cant get into good positions because the maps are so fkin cqb.

I cant see that issue being resolved by using the black knight.

Im not gonna research the heli tree either, G-Lynx all the way.

I dont have this issue with USA or Germany and the lineups for those are nowhere near as good as Britain.

I genuinely have not struggled throughout the entirety of ground battles regardless of br or nation but this is just nuts.

Also i have all the aircraft, i just cant afford to re-crew the tornado to a diff slot. or move one of the tanks to a diff crew slot for that matter.

Fkin toolboxes.

exact same stats, but the TES has an underperforming ERA package that makes is less mobile

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fair enough, i do find the armour package helps alot against atgm’s from heli and so forth tho, but nonetheless i will slap the base model in my lineup. cheers.

Because for this problem you need 2e. Blacknight for big maps and sqb.

Then don’t grind top UK and save some sanity unless you some pervert masochist. 10.3 is a peak for UK ground. Their whole point on top tier is a strong cas. And this will only escalate with future new tanks that Challenger will have less and less to compete with.

I think thats the first time I’ve seen someone say that the ERA package were actually useful.

Thunder show worthy

I sent it, but it was already Friday, so I’m not sure what will get there

It’s worth the pain for how good the TES looks.

The TES irl is good, the TES in game is bad.

I shall direct you here:

What you only want to add camo nets to Britain how dare you

Britain lacks higher caliber autocannon light tanks, so i hope that they might get one via South Africa with the Mbombe-8, which uses the same cannon and ammo as the 2S38, hence why its my favourite South African vehicle


A suggestion for it was made not long ago:


“Challenger Marksman”


Would be very nice to have instead of the chieftain marksman.

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Uhh, no. Vickers marksman
And centurion when we are here

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These will fill the gap in the British AA at 8.3


It will be Marble Sponge Cake


not sure if this belongs here, but ive requested a special variant of the chally 2, however i gotta wait until the pending tag is gone and it gets accepted :)

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What’s so special about it?

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