Off-topic/General chat for Britain

Well I know we have a camping stove and kettle somewhere, I think my dad actually keeps it in his van for making a cuppa when out and about. So maybe not totally crazy :D

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Better not be near any uranium ore, it’s like SE oil lol.

Comet with 20pdr

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Progenitor of the charioteer

Noooo more crafting events
Might be a chance to get some British vehicles

Type 59 with L7 gun would be nice or maybe some scorpion variant. Hopefully it wont be a Centurion.

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I wonder why people think german players are bad?


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Don’t lie to yourself, the TOG 2 will be the last british event vehicle for at least 2 years :)


Is that the strikemaster? I’m looking to pick it up for the marketplace I didn’t make it doing the battlepass. But I want the Kiwi plane.

Yeah it’s the strikemaster 88, I use this skin from the marketplace.

Its a fun little plane to fly, not the best as you will sink half the ammo into a BF-190 on copium :), but got a great turn rate and perfect for hunting bombers along with great top speed at the BR.

Should i buy it?


Don’t lie to yourself, the TOG 2 will be the last british event vehicle

but what about my large and medium F-16?



or my eurovision typhoon with paveway semi nuclear rocket bombs?



honestly we should make a suggestion for that



Wth is semi-nuclear? Choose a side ffs, either big or small boom

Anyone else’s Spitfire MK.14e showing 719km/h on min fuel

Because I know for a fact its been 723 km/h for the last 2 years and now its 719?

Also doesn’t feel as fast as it should but I’m thinking thats the placebo effect from me seeing the statcard.

signed by whom?