yes maybe, but that doesnt stop me from saying that they benelux would make a shit tree, there is plenty of other with more intresting stuff, easy as that
it is not like i said, cockatrill turrets are intresting, but those dont replace real mbts
Almost every nation that would have a WW2 section used Leopards and if western friendly Centurions too.
Top their nation’s unique stuff at this point is the IFV, APC, SPAA, SPG and everything that is not an MBT.
What make it sh*t ?
I’ve only seen you moan about more Leo.
certainly a better tree than turkey and korea, because guess what, top tier MBTs represent a tiny fraction of a tree. both of those countries have a worse navy, way worse rank 4, 3, 2, 1 ground and they pretty much have no unique planes bar a handful of modern light ones
it only has copy paste (besides cockatrill versions as top tiers), fenneks can be found in germany as well and they dont even have good spaas at top tier either
Better yet Korea would be a Israel style nation which I hate.
yeah but way more intresting high-top tier stuff which attracks most of the players
“KPz-70 can be found in the US, germany is a terrible tree”
most of the players don’t even get to rank 7
Again same with other nations you listed.
I’m starting to thing your are anti Benelux for a different reason
Give me props any day of the week :)
told you plenty of times as well, i do not care about the kpz 70 for all i care delete it, i happily skipped it after they moved the leo 2k, besides that it was a shared project between us and germany
guess what’s a shared project between the netherlands and germany?
completely irrelevant
no noit realy i just firmly believe that belgiumd and dutch would make a better sub tree for france and germany, the german tree realy could need a reliable AH64E, that isnt map depended and can use hellfires, even more so after germany killed future assault heli plans, and the air tree could use the f16 because that ones dead as well , like that we wouldnt need to use trialed vehicles or french complain about us hogging switzerland
fenneks, but because those will be ohh so great vehicles in the game yeah
i would say so, you tried getting a rise out of me with the kpz 70 but i just didnt care
if you need a single vehicle
you don’t need an entire subtree