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Iranian f14 seem more likely as they are f14a


I hope they would add R-27 in it.(I know it didnt work but hey it’s just a game)

The bro has over 1k posts in a single thread… So much so he pre-empted the making of a part 2 by making his own…

Like, LOTS of posts…

Would make sense

Keep F-14B in rank 8 and add F/A-18C and F/A-18F to rank 9 instead.


I still want a C-47 just for capping…

it will work cause i know it will (source it was shown in a vison)

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@Deathmisser also 9 is IX not VIII

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Sure ? I’m adding it to rank 9 is because knowing gaijin they want to make things as hard as possible

shhh : D

xD lol

Why did I replay to you ? lmao

that was meant for Mike

Imo 5ft gen should be rank 10 while rank 9 is about full 4th gens and and 4++ gens

No, you secretly also want the skytrain… You know you do.

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I mean it would be nice to have old assets for missions updated : D

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We already have full 4th gens in rank 8 tho. There’s not enough aircraft or ground vehicles for 10 ranks.
And I think people are wanting 10 because of arbitrary numerical reasons rather than more practical ones.
After all, there are more gen 3s they can add to rank 7 in most tech trees.

Some vehicles come to mind:

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it’ll simply be too late for META

Unless we don’t get new gen 4s next patch and instead current gen 3s get fox 3s. And current gen 4s also don’t fox 3s but that’s not happening 🤣

It’s not even too late, it’s just an aircraft that doesn’t really fit into a game where unlimited numbers of highly expensive aircraft are matched based on certain capabilities