Off Topic Discussion

Wish we could get anything for 1299, as even the cheapest non-XT model is 1412 AUD.
Premium in WT is generally a much better value than any premium SKU.

Your card here is at 1711 AUD.

I don’t think anyone sane should be buying 5070/Ti.
Base 5070 is at the same price as 9070 XT here.

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Granted you actually make use of it. I’ve lost count of the amount of premiums i’ve bought and then hardly ever used, having bought it when it was 50% off or so (which is still like 50AUD), lol.

I only buy yearly premiums when they’re on sale.
I know I’ll be able to at least put out 300-400 hours of playtime during that time period, so in my opinion it’s definitely worth it. Especially when most of the GJN spent comes from actually playing the game and selling event vehicles.

At that point it’s borderline free.

Karelian Kalitki

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