Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I just wish it would be a premium actually worth buying, unlike the AH-64A.

I am sadge that the Omani Air force founding day was missed. (1st March)

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mate all the Spice family are IIR/TV + GPS + IOG

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The first time the new packs are gonna go on sale is either in early November or late December.

Well you cant really find another premium currently purchasable for Greece. Perhaps M1C-200 as the HAF M1C but I am skeptical on that.

I hope mods won’t remove me for off-topic. I really want to share))


Its also funny how Gaijin doesnt reply to these criticism question.


when enemy win but you have more zones captured, your team will get a bit more points?

im talking about your own team points, not enemy points

Some versions of a few strategic bombing targets have been removed from the files, while all the remaining ones have had some changes to their visual effects at the moment of destruction.

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Hey Gaijin, pwease dwop de update…I sweaw I’ll buy GE to get new shiny toys…wink-wink

Yeah perhaps I should do a recent example : P

@Shay It’s back up again now and with an on topic example

Could you use the hide function.

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I’m usually on my phone and your message feels like I’m doom scrolling.

I think the point I’m making is far more important than your little finger m8.
Also I’ve tested it on my phone too and I don’t see an issue here

I would just be happy if the premium was available for console.

Thought I’d bump this topic since I’ve added more info to my bug report, and no longer need to go the long way around and provide a design lineage “bridge” to the TISEO to the TCS prove functionality.

[DEV]The F-14B should be impacted by this change to IRST/EOTS

And that the report is still awaiting acceptance after 9 Days for a Dev server issue, which regrettably likely also make it to live.

Other excerpts for the AXX-1 TCS


Technically a bit off topic but anyone else have problems with DM’s i get messages notifications but theres nothing there. I feel like im losing my mind lmao.

I have a sneaking feeling this’ll be popping up again not far from now. ;)