Potato casserole
What tea are you drinking with it?
I drink tea after.
Yes, but what tea?
Looks delicious, what is it?
Potato casserole
And sauerkraut
British food gives me psychic damage.
Potato Casserole is more of an American thing, there is a similarish dish called a Cottage pie, but that’s a single later of potato and significantly more veg.
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Looks delicious Tim!
Thank you!
never with ground, so i can hear engines, but im deaf anyways so…
then i listen to seether and bands like seether in air.
U sure ur british?
Don’t look like it by the way u cook lol ( that’s a compliment btw, stuff looks lovely)
Im karelian
Oh wait so the name doesn’t check out. My bad chief.
But, i really like to cook everything. Other national dishes too